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Kirishima slammed his back on the door, panting.

"WHEEEW..." He heavily exhaled and looked down at his hands. They were shaky. He sighed. "Why am I so bad with people don't know..."

Kirishima sighed again, rolling his eyes. He then got up and flopped on his couch, looking up at a large Great Wave poster he had bought around three years ago with Kaminari. He had just bought his apartment a couple of weeks before, and he wanted to make something out of the blank walls, but the mall they had bought it from closed around a month ago; there goes another hang out place.

However, he's been losing touch with Kaminari ever since he moved out. He isn't really sure why it happened. They barely hang out anymore, but they do still greet each other in the hallways.

Kirishima still has Mina, though. She's always floating around him, asking him how his day was and responding with a bubbly comment per usual. Kirishima has always been thankful for her; she's helped him through some shit.

After what seemed like hours of staring at his cluttered ceiling, Kirishima decided to go to bed. Monday was calling, and he wanted to hang up...


Kirishima awoke to the blaring annoyingness of his alarm. His hair was flattened on one side and he had marks from his sheets etched in his skin, his tank top was halfway up his torso and one of of his legs hung limply off of his mattress.

He didn't want to get up. But he did anyways.


His first block class made him want to puke. He knew no one in the class, so he just sat there with his earbuds in, radiating a dejective aura. It wasn't like he needed to pay much attention anyways; he finished his quiz already, and he had nothing better to do.

Kirishima was a decently smart person. He turned his assignments in on time and received slightly-above-average scores on them, and he has been able to maintain As and Bs in his current semester. He's been working his ass off in his classes to be able to raise his GPA, but it hasn't been working too well. Kirishima barely passed his classes in freshman and sophomore year... There were other things he had to figure out, and school wasn't number one on his priority list. A familiar voice snapped Kirishima out of his daydreams.

"Kiri!!" Mina bursted through the door during Kirishima's lunch break. She looked like she had been running. "There's a new freaking hot transfer student." Kiri tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"And why is that important?"

"He's in our classes;" Mina squealed excitedly, "I wonder if he's gay?" Kirishima flinched and all of the blood in his body rushed to his face.


"Whaaat~ I'm just trying to be a good friend." She playfully crossed her arms and pouted. "I was just using common sense Kiri," she shrugged her shoulders, "All of the hot ones are gay."

They both went silent and looked at each other.


And then they started to die laughing.


Word count: 520

Holy Christmas I was lazy. I didn't even try to write all weekend -3-

Sorry for the constant slow updates.
I'll try harder next time.

Farewell, for now, see you in the next chapter!

In Your Own Special Ways (( KiriBaku ))Where stories live. Discover now