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The sound of the bell signaled the end of my lunch break. I'm not exactly looking forward to my next class.... but in a way I might be? Honestly, I don't even know how I'm feeling right now. My heart feels like it's about to explode.

Mina and I talked about the new transfer student the entire break. Though, I never mentioned he lived next door to me. Mina would have had a heart attack and died right there in the classroom. Although I had a weird feeling about the entire situation, I dragged myself to the classroom.


Last block is by far my favorite class. Sensei rarely lectures us about talking unless Kami is screaming about something stupid, and all of my friends are in this class. Yeah it can get a little noisy, but overall it's not terrible.

After slouching my bag from my shoulder I sat down in my chair, waiting for my inevitable doom. It wasn't the fact that the only empty seat was in front of mine, no. It was because I would have to look at the back if his beautiful head for an hour and a half every day.

Why am I falling for this guy so quickly? I have no idea who he is. Maybe I feel like I need to make other people happy... and he looked kind of sad? More mad, but still-- even just the smallest bit of sad. I'd know because I was the same way for a while too, just not that mad. I've always been able to tell when someone isn't happy. Even if they're trying so hard to cover it up.

After a few minutes waiting for the second bell to go off, I realized he hadn't shown up yet. Neither had the teacher. All of us looked around, extremely confused.

Mr. Aizawa was never late.

"Oooo freaky~" The silence was broken when Mina, who sat beside me, added that comment. She is the human embodiment of an icebreaker. Quickly, the class began to start conversation again, most previous topics forgotten. Half of the class was brainstorming all of the possible things Sensei could be doing.

"He probably fell asleep in the teachers lounge... come on, leave it alone guys." I laughed, trying to calm down the gossip.

"Hmmm... Yeah you're probably right, Kiri. He does sleep a lot. It's his signature move." Mina snickered.

Suddenly, the class went silent again. We heard muffled voi-- a muffled anger down the hallway. The doorknob quivered a little and clicked open. Mr. Aizawa walked through first, followed by a not-so-happy-looking Bakugou Katsuki.

Even if he furrowed his eyebrows to the point where it looked like he had a unibrow, he would still be handsome. His face was round, but sharp in all of the right places. He looked ripped, but he might have a soft, thin layer of pillow stomach hidden underneath his baggy clothing. His ash blonde hair framed his face perfectly, bringing out his piercing red eyes and rosy pink lips.

He is beautiful.

I hadn't known I was staring until he began to walk towards me. His eyebrows furrowed the smallest amount when he saw me; most likely because he recognized my blinding red hair. However, it was down today. I woke up late this morning and didn't have the time or energy to sculpt it into its normal spiky position.

"Introduce yourself," Sensei stated blandly, beginning to zip up his sleeping bag. We all sat in silence as Bakugou halted, turned back around. and walked up to the podium.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou. If you extras want anything to do with me, don't." He spoke with the most pissed off expression. It looked like he would blow up the entire school if anyone said a word to him... even the teachers.

He scanned the class, clicking his tounge. "Tch, this fuckin' class is gonna be a nightmare."

Bakugou lazily picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder, starting to walk to the only remaining desk in the classroom: the one in front of mine.


Immediately after I left the classroom, I urgently placed my hand over my heart.

It felt like a war drum.

Mina was snickering the entire class and kept sneaking glances at my face. Mr. Aizawa caught her laughing, but she didn't seem to calm down at all. It actually got worse.

Mina followed me out of the class, continuing to explain how much my cheeks looked like the color of my eyes. The entire time I was jutting out my bottom lip, pouting like an embarrassed child.



"Whaaat? I'm just stating facts!" She said enthusiastically, rocking back and forth from her tiptoes onto her heels. Mina had walked with me to my locker and waited for me to change into my street shoes.

Mina will walk with me whenever Jiro goes in a date with Kami, which is quiet frequently actually. Sometimes Sero would tag along too, but he mentioned something about spending time with family so he left quickly after the last bell rang.

"The whole situation is over now, drop it.~" I chuckled.

I yanked the laces on my shoes and bounched onto the road, starting to walk towards my apartment. I turned around and looked at Mina. Her arms were crossed and she wore her usual smile.

"Bye Kiri! Hope you don't die of a heart attack while dreaming about your prince tonight!~" Her sweet smile broke into a smirk with her snarky 'warning'.

I whipped my head around to glare at her, but it was all in fun. She stuck her tongue out and spat like a child, bursting out into laughter shortly after.

"Sure, Mina, sure!" I turned my back to her and continued walking, raising my hand to wave goodbye.

"I'm not kidding!"



Word count: 980

heheh don't kill me... this took longer than I thought.

I'm improving the way I write my stories from now on. I used to just have a rough idea of where I wanted each chapter to go IN MY HEAD, but now I'm actually writing down specifics about them so I won't forget to add something important. Or else I may mess up the whole story lol.

Please be patient with me. -bow-

Farewell, for now, see you in the next chapter!

In Your Own Special Ways (( KiriBaku ))Where stories live. Discover now