part - 10

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Hii..i am back with another i already said the actual story is completed now this will be my imagination, hope you like this also as much you like the original story..😊😊😊

Laksh apologised to everyone very next morning of that incident...and they apologised to him for not understanding him..for not being there for him.all cried...smiled ...and laughed. They all were happy.. finally they all were together...but somewhere they all know there is nothing same as before and it will take time for them to trust him, to forgive him fully and to become like before and laksh is ready to wait for them...

It was night..and in the room Laksh was waiting for ragini. He wanted to apologise to her...but he didn't know how to...his words won't be enough to heal the pain he gave her but he will make sure that his love will heal everything.

He pick out the small box from his back pocket and open it, there was a ring inside, he looked at the ring and noted how beautiful it really is,it was a silver ring with a sparkling white diamond in the middle, large enough to be considered big, but not large to look bulky. It was glimmered in sunshine when he bought it, but shopkeeper told him that it will shine more in the moon light, and now laksh believed him..he gently took the ring out of the box and placed it around the tip of his tongue...

When Ragini entered,Laksh stared at her...she was looking innocent..there was tears in her in her lips and a glow in her face. When she looked at him Laksh closed his eyes ,every moment spend with her came in front of him...

She smile and about to go for change when he pull her into him and wrapped his arms around her waist, she look him with widen eyes when his pressed his lips with her without warning, he pinched her waist which made her moan in between kiss giving him oppertunity to slip the ring in. The moment ring hit her tongue, she pulled away with puzzle looked on her face. Her hand reached into her mouth and pulled out the ring. Laksh leaned down on one knee and hold her hand...

"Mrs. Ragini Laksh Maheshwari, will you forgive your idoit husband and give him chance to love you, to protect you, will you be mine forever, Mine to protect...Mine to cherish and Mine to love..?"

Her face lit up, she briskly nodded her head..."yes...A thousand times yes.." he smile and stood up, and took the ring from her hand and placed it in her finger..then pulled her again in a passionate kiss..

They broke the kiss when they felt lack of oxygen, ragini looked down shyly, laksh saw her becoming red and smirk, he knew it doesn't metter how many times he touched her but she always get shy whenever he touched her,he put his finger below the chin and raised her chin made her look at him..she was blushing too hard and he was enjoying it..she looked in his eyes and found love, lust, desire, passion for her.

He come closer to kiss her but this time she run away to the balcony..he come behind her and encircle his hands around her waist, his touch send shiver down her spine, he move near to her neck and moved aside the hair which were blocking her beautiful neck and planted soft kiss on her neck, she closed her eyes tightly and enoyed it..she wanted him as much as he wanted her, he made patterns with finger on her waist, which was tickling her, she tried to move but he hold her waist tightly which stop her from moving, slowly he start planting wet kisses from his neck to bare back, she moan softly in pleasure which make her crazy for her,he turned her around and start kissing on near her jawline, then went down near her throat, he didn't stop and remove the pin which was holding her saree pallu which resulting in pallu fell down on the floor exposing her beautiful curves,

he come close to her neck and start kissing and went down upto her cleavage, she moan her name in pleasure and cluched his hairs and pull him up and start kissing him passionaly... laksh become shock by her step he stand their numb without responding, which iriks ragini, she bite his lower lip to make him come into reality, this made him crazy, he pulled her more closer to him and start responding with same passion, then lift her in his arms and went to the bed without broking the kiss, he made her lay underneath him and cover themselve with thin duvet...

After some times they both found sleeping in eachother embrace happily and their cloths were laying on the floor..ragini was laying on his bare chest while his hands were encircle around her waist protectively... ragini tried to move in her sleep but his grip get tighten on her waist in his sleep, stopping her from moving away from him, she smile unknowingly and stay their...

Swara was standing in balcony when she felt hand around her waist, she smile knowing he is none other than sanskar, he placed his chin on her shoulder, "i am really happy today, we got our lucky back, he is back swara, everything is fine now, just like before..." he continue his emotions but swara's mind was somewhere else.."no sanskar, everything is not fine, i don't know about you but i can sense, there is something in his behaviour which is change, your lucky is not back yet, he is not your lucky, i am scared for my sister, but i am with her i will never let him hurt my sister again..." she think with determination and start listening again sanskar's 'lucky katha' with fake smile....

To be continued...

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