part - 16

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Laksh was beating Zayn like a hell, Ragini wanted to stop him but her mind was not working, she was freezed to react anything.. Laksh was continuesly beating him, the scene of ragini struggling in his grip was not letting him stop.His hand stop in middle when he heared loud shout.." LAKSH...."

In a moment someone push him behind, laksh got shock looking the person who was helping half unconscious zayn to get up.." ragini..." laksh whispered slowly..ragini patted zayn's cheeks, " zayn please, don't close your eyes...please.." she plead in sobb..she turned back to laksh, who was still in shock and shout.." call the ambulance now.."

" ragu.." zayn called her..she turned back to him again.." zayn are you need to go hospital..laksh.." she turned back but zayn stop her.." ragu, calm down yaar..i am fine.." saying he tried to get up. Ragini help him to getting up. Laksh felt anger boiling inside him seeing their closeness, but he control himself and move forward to help him so ragini could leave him...

" i am sorry ragini, i didn't knew that he is your friend. I thought he was misbehaving with you.." saying laksh took his hand from ragini's hand and placed it on his own shoulder for support.." no laksh he is my bestfriend.." ragini said worriedly looking at zayn's condition.." I never knew you have male friend too.." laksh said in jealousy which ragini didn't noticed but someone else did..

"Yes i am her male friend, Zayn, Zayn Imam.." Zayn said with smile.." I am Laksh Maheshwari, Ragini's husband.." laksh says in proud giving more attention to word 'husband'. Zayn smile widely and open his mouth to say something but ragini interrupt, " you guys can talk further at home also but right now zayn needs a treatment. Laksh please take him to hospital.." she said. Zayn smile while laksh frowned but choose to follow her orders..

They took him to hospital where doctors treated his wounds. He came out with lot of bandages. Where ragini comes at the verge of crying seeing him, laksh find it difficult to control his laugh seeing him full with bandages.." come on ragini, he is fine.." laksh says holding upsed ragini through shoulders..

" Yes ragu, he is right..i am absolutely fine. These are normal bandages nothing more.." zayn said freshly trying to cheer her up. Ragini smile on his antics which iriks laksh, " come zayn, we will drop you at your house.." laksh wanted to kick that idiot out from ragini's sight as soon as possible.." laksh is right, you need a rest..come lets go.." ragini says before she could help zayn to walk, laksh quickly hold him so he can stay away from ragini. Zayn smile mischievously looking at laksh which he ignore...

Laksh help him to sit in car then came at driving seat and start the car.." zayn tell me your addresss.." laksh asked.." drop me at any hotel.." he said carelessly..ragini turned to him.." what do you mean by any hotel..?" She asked.." I landed at kolkata three hours ago and directly came at pooja's place..i didn't booked any hotel yet.." he explain while ragini glared him..

" Are yo gone could you stay alone in this condition.." she asked.." i will manage dear.." he said..'dear my foot..' laksh could only think.." no way you are not living are coming with us in our house.." she said in determined.." no ragu..this is not right, how could i stay at your place.." zayn refuse..' exactly how could he stay at our place..' laksh think.." why in laws are really good. They will treat you as their son, and incase if something goes wrong, laksh is with us, he will handle, right laksh..?" She asked laksh..

' Are you gone mad, why will i help him..never..never even in my dream..' he smile.." ofcourse bachha, anything for you.." he says.

Ragini smile widely

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Ragini smile widely.." thank you so much..." " aww how sweet.." zayn comment resulting raginis blush.." are you sure laksh you are okay with my presence in your house..?" Zayn asked to him..laksh grip get tighten on steering wheel to control his heart which wanted to shout no.." ofcourse, why would i have problem.." laksh says with fake smile.." then it is final, zayn you are staying with us.." ragini says in determination..

Ragini and zayn continuesly talking about their school life forgetting laksh. Which iriks him. So he decided to interfere.." you didn't told us what do you do..?" Laksh asked.. " i am psychologist..i read faces and minds.." zayn said smiling but somewhere laksh felt he add extra line just for him.. " you know what laksh, zayn is really good in understanding others mood just with looking at their time in school...." and ragini starts zayn katha again, and laksh was forced to show interest in her talks...

At mm everyone welcomed zayn and when they got to know about what laksh did him..they shows more sweetness to him. Which makes laksh angry, and ragini she almost forget about laksh..her day start with zays medicine and end with them only.. Laksh felt alone, he was not understanding how to get her ragini back..

Zayn look her in shock, " what, you guys seriously did these much for each other..?" Ragini nodd her head in embarrassment. Its been a week he is staying at Mm. He is almost fine now, today she told him all about her and lakshs deeds from the start.." wow i never saw this much deep love in my life.." he said in amazed.." but what is problem now.." he asked.." i don't know, but i felt someone is hurting my family.." she said..." what do you mean..?" He asked in confusion..

" you know once chachi insulted me infront of whole family then..." she told him everything.." i tried to talk with laksh but he said this is nothing, i am just thinking too much..." she said in frustration..zayn think for sometime.. " this could be laksh..i mean you only said he is too possessive for you..and he never got attacked.." he says.. " no.. laksh can't do this..." she strongly refuse...

" bhabi bhabi..." suddenly uttara came to her room running.." what happened uttara, why are you shouting.." ragini asked in worried, her heart was beating abnormally.." bhabi wo laksh bhai..." she point toward hall. Without listening her full sentence she run down and got shock to see laksh..sanskar and adarsh was helping him to walk..his full body was covered with bandages..she shout.."laksh..."

To be continued...

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