Part - 18

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" swara, do you have any personal problem with laksh, i felt that you don't like him..?" Zain asked looking at raglak closed door.. "Yeah actually na, when me and ragini was in baadi, laksh allianced came for ragini, but he saw me, and fell in love with me, then he broke..." she starts but zain interrupt..

" she starts but zain interrupt

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" swara..swara..i didn't asked about your not so lovely love story.i knew it already....and trust me that is the most ridiculous love story, oh that was not actually a love story, but whatever, that was the most ridiculous story i have ever heard.." last part was under breath...

" What did you said in ending..." Swara heard some blabbering but didn't understood..he sigh.." nothing..."

 Saying he tried to left but swara stop him

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Saying he tried to left but swara stop him.." what about you asked my problem, don't you wanna to know.." he shook his head in bored.." its ok swara i am not interested any more.." ' actually i don't want my ears to bleed because of your boring nonsense..' this time he just thought,

' this time he just thought,

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giving a fake smile to her.." good night.." saying he left...

Laksh felt slightly pain on his head, he open his eyes with hissed and found ragini very closed to his face..she quickly move back... " sorry..i was just dressing your wound..did it hurt..?" She asked in concern..he smile pulling her back close to him..." Naah other morning could be more better then this, that i open my eyes and saw your angelic face..." He says huskily tugging a lock of hair behind her ear... "Laksh..." Ragini show her eyes..." Leave me.."

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