part - 11

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Laksh sleep disturb by the noice of alarm, he opened his sleepy eyes and found ragini in half sleep on his bare chest...

he smile and tugged her hairs behind ears, she open her eyes, "good morning

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he smile and tugged her hairs behind ears, she open her eyes, "good morning..." her sweet voice reached in his ears, "very good morning baccha..." he leaned closer for morning kiss, but she moved away, "chii laksh..atleast first brush your teeth..." she teased him, he pout...she laugh and again place her head on his chest...

"Seems like today someone don't wants to leave me..." this time he teased her, " i am very tired laksh, you didn't let me sleep whole nigh, now i am feeling sleepy..." she complain in sleepy voice, giving him reason for laugh, he pull her more closer as much as he can, " its ok baccha, if we take rest for some more time, we won't be late..." she nodd in half sleep and again doze off...

Ragini get up with a jerk, she look at the clock and found she is already late, waking up laksh hurrily she rushed toward bathroom, after getting ready she left for the kitchen without giving any heed to pouty laksh who was craving for morning kiss

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Ragini get up with a jerk, she look at the clock and found she is already late, waking up laksh hurrily she rushed toward bathroom, after getting ready she left for the kitchen without giving any heed to pouty laksh who was craving for morning kiss...

"Someone didn't slep last night..." pari comment on ragini in teasing voice making her crimson red, when ragini was not able to control her yawning while preparing breakfast...swara look at ragini with rough face but didn't said anything..

swara look at ragini with rough face but didn't said anything

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"bhabi...." ragini glare pari with blush... " so what, first you came late and now you are countinuesly yawning, seems like laksh didn't let you sleep last night...right?" Pari questioned with winked...

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