Hunger Games Gone Awry

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  • Dedicated to Suzanne Collins

A/N When I say that a song is old, I mean that it is in the story because it's set in the future, just if you were wondering :] And I do not own any videos linked in the story!


"Effie Trinket."

YES! Finally I get to be in the games! Finally, the spotlight will shine on Effie! Effie danced around in her head, not daring to actually dance in person. Effie was meant to look very proper, but she did pat her bright cotton candy pink hair satisfied.

No, she wasn't going into the games as a tribute, she was going more of a host. Not that she really liked seeing blood and bodies being thrown around, but she did like the spotlight. And this time, she'll get just that. Before the reaping, the escorts of the games have a reaping of their own to decide who goes in the games to discuss all the deaths and such.

Effie had waited long and hard before her name was picked. And now she was allowed to travel around all 12 districts of Panem to pick the tributes. In her head she was swaying her hips to the hula, but outside of her head she she nodded and carefully took her space at the stage, which was really just a pile of crates pushed together because of budget cuts.

Effie stood at one in the middle and carefully took a small bow, basically just inching her back down a few centimeters before standing straight again. The other escorts o the districts clapped a few times looking forward to attend the reaping and then stay home with their daughters and sons and cats. Lots of pink and blue cats.

Effie tried to see if Haymitch, who was waiting along with the other mentors, was going to make a snotty, drunken remark, but Haymitch was guzzling wine from a barrel like their was no tomorrow. Effie rolled her eyes, which nearly caused her to fall of the crates that were lazily put together. Effie huffed a bit but moved on, and soon that old song that Mama Effie used to sing to Baby Effie was playing in her head. Effie's bringing sexy back, oh yeah.

Effie was gonna be in the games this year, and everybody better watch out. Everybody meaning everybody. Incuding the tributes, Haymitch, and the squirrels. Because Effie was determind to make this her year. Even if she'll be talking about the dead tributes, it'll be her talking about it. The song continued to play in her head even when she went to get ready for the reaping.

Even as she jammed a new wig on her head, even as she painted a fresh coat of purple lipstick on her lips. She was ready for this, afterall what can go wrong? It's not like she can fall out of a tree, loose her wig, be kissed by a crazy bread person, and be harrased by squirrels, right?

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