Chapter Two: The Reaping, the Wig, and the Vomit

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Effie took her place at the crates once again, surveying the area. A girl from District 5 with flaming red hair silently pick pocket the man next to her. A young girl with satiny brown skin from District 11 cared for her five younger siblings. An older boy with blond hair from District 1 looked hungrily at the bowl in Effie's hands. Haymitch had another wine barrel that was currently being emptied by the second.

There usually are two bowls, own for girls and one for boys, but since Haymitch dropped it and let it shatter into a million different pieces, so now there was only one bowl and all the names, both boys and girls, were mixed in. Effie opened her mouth ready to begin the speech that was told for years, when the boy from District 1 kindly shouted at her.

"Oh just get on to the names, nobody cares!" he shouted over a few murmurs from the crowd. 'Hurry up, I wanna volunteer!" he then added.

Effie huffed and flipped at her wig lightly well, fine then. She wiggled her hips again to renew some of her confidence. "Well, time to pick the tributes!" She traced her fingers around the bowl and waved it around before snatching out a paper quickly. Giving a few seconds of suspense, she snapped the paper open.

She looked around the crowd then stopped at Haymitch, who was now beginning to crawl into the barrel. She quickly turned away before laughter erupted out of her. The crowd gasped in suspense. Oh yeah, I leave the crowd into shock! I should've been a model. Can't you just imagine me on the runaway? Wait, no even better, I should have been a wig model!

Effie's thoughts soon became very random until she remembered she was supposed to be reading the names. She cleared her throat loudly, "Crystal Jadez!" she looked around to who was shifting around to the top of the stage. A young girl with dark colored hair and pale skin was almost to the crates when another girl from the group spoke up.

"I volunteer!" She cried out. Effie looked at Crystal sympathetically as she walked back down and returned to her spot. A new girl with sandy blond hair and bright green eyes took her place on one of the crates. She smiled as if she already had won the games.

"Okay, looks like a have a District 1 tribute! What's your name?" Effie turned to the girl.

"Marsha Thares." Marsha said loud and clear. Effie nodded her head and returned to face the bowl.

"Okay then, Marsha Thares! Now, our next tribute is... Jadith Dorey!" Effie yelled into the microphone.

A rather skinny boy came up, but he looks as if he wasn't sure it wasn't his correct name. He slowly headed up the steps to another crate. Effie was about to announce his name when the sound of a fight was heard from the District 1 people. The blond boy who was staring at the bowl earlier and another girl with dark brown hair were in a cat fight.

Well, it was kind of like a cat fight. But basically they were just slapping each others hands with their faced turned away. The crowd formed a circle around them confused the fight. Then it was realized what they were fighting for. Who was going to volunteer to be a tribute.

"I volunteer!" The girl flaied her arms up like Haymitch and was tackled to the ground by the boy. Effie expected blood and punches being thrown all around, but then the boy started tickling the girl. Everyone watched in a confused haze., even the Peacekeepers. The only one who wasn't watching was Haymitch, who was now stuck in the barrel head first and swinging his legs wildly in the air.

The Peacekeepers finally came to their senses and pried him off. "No! Let me at her! I'm gonna tickle her to death for trying to take my spot!" He yelled as the girl made her way to the stage.

"Go sit that chair and calm down!" A Peacekeeper shouted over his voice. The boy huffed and made his way to a tiny pink Sleeping Beauty chair. He crouched down and managed to wiggle halfway into the chair. The legs on the chair bent under the pressure.

"Okay then, what's your-" Effie began but the girl cut her off.

" Topaz Glites." She said very confidently.

"Okay everyone! Topaz Glitz!" Effie said not realizing she mispronounced Topaz' last name.

"No. It's Glites." Topaz sounded the name out.


"Gli-tes." She sounded it out very slowly.

"Oh. Topaz Glites!" Effie smiled at the crowd and flipped her hair again.

Other then that, the rest of the reaping was pretty normal. A girl named Jeojina from District 2 practically lept to the stage once she volunteered. There was another volunteer from District 2 named Freya Rae Dersy, who like Topaz, had to correct Effie several times. Then there was a boy from the next district named Anthony who shrieked when he seen how talk Effie was, which was most likely a centimeter taller because of her heels.

Then he cried out again when the next tribute, Courtney MacNeil was reaped. She was extremely tall for a girl her age at 6'1. Then once a girl named Jessica was reaped her friend quickly volunteered so they can stay together. A tiny girl named Alli Hopkinz was called for the next district, and Jaian Kitey as quickly added to that for District 5.

"Cool beans..." He muttered when he passed Effie.

"Hippie.." Effie mumbled darkly under her breath.

"What?" He turned to her.

"What? Go get to your spot, I have to read the next tribute!" She hissed at him and pulled out another slip of paper.

A girl named Ashlyn-Rose who seemed pretty normal to Effie, and then a mysterious boy named Dave completed the tributes for District 6. Yes, just Dave, there was no last name on the paper. After that, a girl named Timber Ash came up, she was chewing her lip like crazy. A younger girl named Jasmine came up after her, looking slightly calmer. Twins Mabel and Katarina stayed close together, the only way Effie could tell them apart is because Mabel had her auburn hair in a bun and Katarina's in a ponytail.

Another set of twins were next, this time both male. Next were two girls, one named Julia and the other named Bailee. The girl from District 11 who was taking care of her siblings was almost a tribute, until a boy named Gabriel volunteered. Aw, how sweet! And they called it, puppy loveeeeee. A new song rang through Effie's brain as she picked up the next paper. The other half of District 11 was also a volunteering tribute, a girl named Jenny Ferns who volunteered for her younger brother.  

The last district, District 12 was up. A tiny blond named Primrose was soon replaced by her older sister, Katniss. After her, a boy in a ninja suit replaced Peeta. The boy was the strangest tribute, because his name was Rye Roggenbrot, and he opened up a locket around his neck and kissed it before winking at Effie. That surely sent a shiver down her spine.

"Please.. welcome our tributes." Effie said weakly as she gestured to the tributes. "Now, since Caeser complained and quit because he didn't get enough money for his hair dye,  I will be taking his place for the interviews. But that's okay, because we all love me more than Mr.Blueberry anyways!" Effie tried to flip her wig, but it fell right off her head. Effie gasped loudly and bent down to retrieve it, only to hear a loud rip from her dress.

Effie jammed her wig on her head and began to race off the stage. She was at the last crate when it suddenly flopped over and sent her flying straight into Haymitch and the barrel. She landed inside, squished awkwardly against Haymitch when he made another belching sound. Effie tryied to scramble out but it was too late. Twice more and then he puked, all over Effie. She let out a loud sob and slapped Haymitch, who was struggling to climb out of the barrel.

The barrel tipped over spilling Haymitch and Effie out like rotten milk. Effie let another sob escape her lips. before the interviews she needed a new dress, wig, and new heels. She glanced down at her shoes. One had a broken heel. And there was one last thing she definitely needed, and that was a bath.


I hope you liked it! Dedicated to Dotty. :3

                                                                                     Love, the insomniac Kitty

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