Chapter Five: Effie is kidnapped!

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Aloha angelic potatoes, welcome to the next chapter!

Effie snored soundly in her unconscious sleep until one of the camera men shoved her awake. Apparently, she had slept the rest of the first day, and it was now time to announce the deaths. She groaned and pouted at the man, obviously upset he woke her. Nonetheless, she hobbled to her feet and pulled at an arrow in her wig, which narrowly missed her actual head.

She fixed herself up the best she could before she was given the signal to start. First she fluffed up her lashes with her fingers, then she quickly found a silver tube of lipstick from her hunger games cosmetic collection. This particular lipstick was a metallic blue labeled as, Games&Glamour. Afterwords, she finished up her quick beauty fix by licking her hand and running it through her pastel blue wig. This was the best she could get.

"Good evening Panem, I'm here in the arena where-" Yawn. "Where the games have already taken off in a rather interesting start, might I add. I'm here to tell you who made it and who got cut." She tuned, first looking over her shoulder and then rotating her body.

But while she did something caught her eye. At first she thought it could have been an bear with it's dark fur, but then she realised what it actually was. A tribute. To be more exact, it was Rye the district 12 male. He was creeping around behind a tree with staring admirably at Effie with his golden brown eyes. A small smile played on his lips.

Effie's eyes widened once the realisation came to her, but she brushed it off for the cameras. Then, her eyes widened for an entirely different reason. Two of the other camera men were dressed in bright, festive bikinis, Effie's old rejects. In their hands with notebook papers with poorly drawn versions of the deceased tributes complete with their districts underneath.

One of the scruffy men held up his signs and passed in front of the camera, giving Effie a taste of what might have been his weapon for the games, body odor. Effie coughed the smell away and turned to see the second man pulling the shiny gold material away from his butt crack. Effie slowly turned away disturbed by all that has happened to her in the past few days. She knew there would be handheld signs this year because of budget cuts, but her bikinis... She wasn't sure what happened there.

"Okay then... Looks like we've got some tributes out. Let's see.. ah! We've got Dave from district 6 out. Sad thing, he was only 13. And then we have Jenny Ferns from district 11. Ashlyn-Rose Stonewall, from district 6. J.R. from 10 is out, and then there's-" Effie turned to the camera men who finished strutting around and took their place next to Effie.

They only shrugged, a gesture that meant there was no more tributes to announce. This was highly unlikely and rare, but it happens. When it does it usually urges sponsors to send more gifts to their favorite tributes, not so much of a problem.

"Moment of silence for district 6, 10, and 11." Effie paused and looked down for a few seconds before she raised her head again. "Seems today was a slow first day, huh? Well it's time to clock out for tonight! Don't forget to sponsor your favorite tribute to give them that extra help in winning the games. I'm Effie here, saying goodnight Panem!"

Once the signal was given Effie turned to the men sporting the bikinis. She was finally going to question their fashion choices for the evening. Were they not cold? There seemed to be a light breeze passing in the air, but their layers of fat may have taken care of that.

"So, what's with the-" She began, only to be interrupted.

"The notebook papers?" One of them, with neon pink eyelashes and neon green eyebrows cut her off.

"No the-" She started again.

"The awful drawings?" The shorter one with cherry red lips, and a bright orange tint to his skin stopped Effie again.

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