Chapter One: Brandy, Miller, Amertto, and Tequilla

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Effie walked with a slight hop in her step as she got ready to announce the tributes for the districts. She looked into her full-size travel mirror lovingly staring at her  wig. She had bought it specially for the games because the sun would give it a light pink tint. She twirled around to admire her attire. She was about to compliment herself aloud when a loud coughing noise came from outside.

"Effie, yeh better hurry yehself up, you got tah pick the tributes already. Stop looking at yehself!" Haymitch slurred from outside the port-a-potty. As she opened the door to the traveling toilet she hit Haymitch, which caused him to fall backwards. He flailed to the ground in a coughing fit.

"You cannot rush beauty, Haymitch." Effie sneered at Haymitch as he rolled around.

"Well in that case we will be here forever." He half laughed and half coughed from the ground.

Effie gasped in disbelief and strutted out of the room, purposely stepping on Haymitch's leg on the way. She gave a satisfied smile when she heard a tiny whimper from him. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see Haymitch throwing his arms and legs around wildly as he attempted, and failed, to sit up. He looked like a turtle. An enormous, fat, smelly, drunken, old turtle on it's back. Effie sent out a high-pitched laugh and whipped around, taking her wig nearly off her head.

She continued to strut like a rooster till she reached the big pile of crates. Soon, all the districts will come together for the reaping. Another change made because of budget cuts, it instead of making twelve stops at all 12 districts, everybody just had to come at a big clearing. It was all clear now, except for a few weirdos that thought coming early would give mean a less of a chance to be picked for the games. Which was complete rubbish, of course.

Effie drank a complimentary water with a hint of tea. Basically, it was extremely watery tea. She crinkled her nose at the sweet taste and set it back down and watched Haymitch roll around and plea for both help and alcohol.

"Ugh! My family! My family! Somebody bring me meh family!"  Haymith roared from the ground. A mousy woman from district 7 curiously walked over to Haymitch.

"Um... well, have you tried calling them?" She asked him very kindly. She obviously didn't get that Haymitch was a fool. A drunk fool with red eyes and smelly clothes.

"Who? Oh them. BRANDYY! MILLERRR! AMARETTOOO! TEQUILAAAAAAAAAA!" He shouted before bursting into another coughing/laughing fit. The poor woman gave him a confused look. Effie expected her to give him a glare, but she did the unthinkable.

"Brandy? Hello? Does anyone know a Brandy? No? BRANDYYY! How about a Miller? Anyone?! MILLERRRRR! AMARETTOOOOOO! TEQUILAAAAA! Hello! Does anyone know them? Someone please help!" She actually went around shouting her poor little lungs out. Effie tried to keep keep a straight face, but eventually began to laugh loudly like a horse.

"Excuse me? Excuse me!" The woman shouted at Effie, who tried to turn away, but the little woman spun her around to face her. "Oh, you sound an awfully lot like him! You must be his wife! Common, he's been crying out hysterically for you! You must be Brandy? Where are the children? Miller, Amaretto, and Tequila? Oh never mind, just go talk to him! he's scaring the children!" She glanced back at a group of kids behind her that rolled on the floor much like Haymitch, except instead of shouting their family's "names", they were laughing loudly.

Effie's eyes grew into saucers as she was shoved towards Haymitch. Did she not get that it was a joke? And how dare she insult my laugh?! Effie cursed the woman out in her mind as she was pushed once more, accidently jamming her foot into Haymitch's fat stomach. He cried out and curled up. Suddenly making a terible gagging noise. It sounded as if he might just-


Haymitch belched as he vomited all over Effie's shoes. Effie shrieked loudly and turned around shoving the district 7 woman away as she went in search for new shoes. He eyes darted around looking for her savior. Luckily, another escort from district 3 shoved a sparkly new pair of shoes in her face.

Effie quickly thanked the woman with pink skin, purple lips, and orange hair before getting ready to slip her puke covered shoes off, gagging in the process.The other escorts felt bad Effie always had to be puked on, so they always kept an extra pair of clothes for her, since it wasn't rare when Effie would show up covered in puke, alcohol, or a mixture of both.

Effie quickly let a huge breath of air out as she pat her wig down again and relaxed her shoulders, shaking her head out from side to side. Time to pick the tributes. Her thought in her mind, glancing at the crowd gathered around the crate stage. She wiggled her hips a little, (almost positive she heard Haymitch mumble an ew) and began her rooster strut to her place.


How was it? I was giggling as I typed the part when Haymitch was yelling. xD

                                                                                              Love, cute Kitty. :3

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