chapter 12

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***********************Becky's POV*****************************

*ring ring*

I groaned rolled over on my bed, my eyes still blurred from just waking up from a good sleep.

"Heyyy! Morning sunshine!!" I winced and held the phone a good arms length away from my ear.

"Ouch, Laine. Why do you have to be so loud?" I complained.

"Sorry! Ohmigod, I saw that thingy of you on tv! Is it true?" she squealed.

"Me & Niall at the movies? Yeah... huh? Wait, whats true?"


"No actually, I dont know."

"Pfft. I know you know. Did you really sleep with Niall Horan?"

Her question took me by surprise.

I stared at the phone in shock, not believing if that was what she actually just said.

"OHMIGOSH! You didn't think anybody would find out, would you?" she screamed. "Ohmigod, is he good? Tellllllll!!!!"

"Whoa whoa, wait." I took a deep breath. "Uhh, noway! I did not sleep with Niall. Why would you think that?"

"That's what everybody's saying," she said in a matter-of-factly tone. "Like, EVERYBODY. People on Wattpad are already starting to write Biall fanfics!"

Everybody? Wattpad? Biall?

"Laine, nothing's going on with me and Niall!" I practically yell into the phone. "We're just really good friends!"

"Really? Because the way people are describing things..."

"Are those people me? Do they know how I feel? Were they the ones who went to see 'The Hunger games' with Niall Horan only to be rumored sleeping with him?"

"No..." Laine paused. "I'm sorry Beck. Its just so cute! Biall is so cute!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Laine, shut up. Seriously, Biall?"

"It was that or Necky. Take your pick."

That caused my mouth to curve into a small smile.

"Do you know if Zayn's free? Do you think he could like somebody like me?"

"Uhh, Laine, I'll call you later."

"Wait Bec-"

I hung up before she could ask about Zayn, Biall or even Harry.

1D fanfic ( Harry vs Niall)Where stories live. Discover now