Familiar Stranger

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I quietly entered the room and stopped immediately when I saw stairs leading down into a medieval styled prison room.
Slowly I closed the door making sure to stay silent as I went down the stairs.
The Rouge from before had shifted to a human and his hands were shackled in silver chains with only cotton between it and his wrists, this was to discourage struggling.
He had a strong build, dark tan skin, dusty blonde hair, and dark green eyes that stared straight at the Alpha, but he remained silent.
After seeing his face I noticed the bloody lip and the bruise on his cheek. The Alpha had beat him, my eyes widened in horror as he made movement to hit him again for not answering, when the Rouge made a noise.
Jacob stopped and waited for him to speak, as did I.
"You Alpha's...always thinkin', you're better than us...you don't deserve the loyalty you're pack gives you." He told him as he licked his bloody lip. His eyes traveled over to meet mine, how had he known I was there?
"Hey." He smiled over at me while raising a brow playfully. I would have thought it was funny if he wasn't so beaten.
The Alpha whirled around spotting me instantly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a warning tone as I finally went to the bottom of the stairs.
"I was curious." I said simply.
"Curiousity killed the cat, haven't you heard that?" He asked with a frown.
"I'm not a cat." I told him simply while folding my arms.
"No, you're a mutt." He stated back with bite.
I flinched, why did they call us that? We're mix breeds, mutt is a rude term, why did he still call me that? He thought he was above me. That much was obvious.
"So harsh. See this is what I'm talking about." The Rouge spoke up, now that he had started, the Alpha couldn't shut him up.
Jacob threw him a glare but he simply kept talking as I also looked over at him.
"Thinkin' you can beat, kill, or r*pe any body you want and get away with it, I know your type."
I blinked at him surprised at the harshness in his tone when he'd been beaten so heavily. And with silver shackles around his wrists, his regeneration would slow to the recovery rate of a human.
"Shut up!" The Alpha slammed his head into the wall behind him.
"You don't know me! You don't know anybody you pathetic Rouge!" He shouted at him.
I almost felt the way his head had smacked into the wall and it gave me a headache just to see it happen.
He somehow chuckled and looked back at the Alpha with a grin.
"You make it sound like being a Rouge is a bad thing."
The Alpha looked pissed, he got ready to punch him, but he could break his ribs, possibly kill him.
I ran over and stood in the way.
"Move." He commanded, I almost did, but only frowned, I was not full Omega, I didn't have to obey even my own Alpha.
His eyes swirled gold, the Rouge behind me was panting slightly, now that I was close I could hear it. How was he able to talk so well when out of breath?
"If you keep beating him you'll kill him! How will you get answers that way?" I asked as he stepped towards me.
"If you don't move I will make you move, and I will make you pay for disobeying your Alpha!" He threatened and I glared at him.
"I don't care if you're an Alpha! You shouldn't treat people this way!"
He grasped my chin with firmness that made me flinch.
"I can treat you and anybody else however I like little Mutt, remember you're in my territory at the moment and any wrong move could cost you dearly. Now. Would you like to continue to critique my methods of questioning or would you like me to release you and allow you to go back to your room?"
I tried to pull away, but his grip was too tight and only tightened at my movement which made me whimper in pain.
"Leave her alone."
The Alpha's eyes shifted from my face to look at the Rouge.
"You're not really that pathetic to hurt an Omega for saying 'no' are you? She can make her own choices, you can make yours."
The Alpha shoved me out of the way and twisted the Rouge's arm, breaking his shoulder.
The Rouge flinched, but didn't make a sound.
"Don't talk to me about what I can and can't do. Everything that happens in this dungeon, know one else would know about." He told him simply. The Rouge glared at him, seeming to know exactly what he meant by that.
I however was a bit lost and frowned as The Alpha let go of the Rouge and walked towards me grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet.
He started pulling me up the stairs when I somehow was able to pull away and turn to the Rouge.
"What's your name?" I asked. He had been watching us leave when I turned towards him, and he smiled when I'd asked.

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