Time to Let Go

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I sat up with a frown, rubbing my cheek, it'd happened again, that almost burning pain. It had been happening every once and a while this entire week, I felt like I couldn't sleep anymore without waking up with this pain. But every time I asked if my cheek looked burned, Terrence would shake his head saying it just looked like I'd gotten flushed cheeks from sleeping on my face.
I didn't really believe him until I saw myself in a mirror. But now I went to a mirror straight away.
Nothing, it looked like the were-vamp had said, just a bit flushed.
But that could be my regeneration healing whatever it is before I get the chance to look in a mirror.
With a heavy sigh, I straightened out the long shirt Terrence had lent me.
I'd been borrowing his clothes only recently when I'd run out of my own clothes. So when I ran out, I just borrowed a T-shirt or something and washed my clothes.
This was probably only the second time I'd needed to borrow Terrence's shirt, since I usually was pretty ok at washing my clothes. But just sitting at a window all day, staring out into the same forest. It, kinda left me feeling a bit lazy.
I walked into the laundry room, my clothes had finished drying. I checked them before pulling an outfit out and standing up, turning to go back to the room.
Terrence had been standing behind me, making me squeak when I saw him.
He blinked in a bit of surprise while I frowned at him.
"Terrence! Don't sneak up on me like that."
I hugged my small bundle of clothes closer to my chest as he looked away with his eyes.
"Sorry.." He hummed quietly, somewhat sheepishly.
"It's fine." I mumbled, going around him.
"Does your cheek hurt today?" He asked and I looked over at him.
"Yeah, though by now I might as well get used to it." I frowned. "Are you sure you don't have anything on your bed that would cause burning?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Not that I know of." He told me and I sighed.
"Maybe I'll just start sleeping on the couch." I said to myself as I went into the room and shut the door.
After I had changed, Terrence had made me one of the breakfast meals I'd taught him how to make, eggs and toast.
I enjoyed my meal while pretending that the were-vamp was sipping juice next to me.
It was just some cherry flavored juice. After I'd finished eating I got up to go to the window, but I found Terrence was standing in front of me.
"What?" I asked looking up at him, he was frowning.
"Moon, I know you don't like the idea of your mate not coming for you." He started and I looked past him at the window.
"But it's been...a while, since the fire. I haven't caught scent or trail of him all this time. Maybe...maybe he's-"
"Not coming to get me." I said blankly.
The red head sighed.
"I know you don't like it Moon, but maybe it wasn't meant to be." He said while setting a hand on my shoulder. It stung, I smacked his hand away from me.
"We're mate's Terrence, you might not fully comprehend what exactly that means since you're half vampire, but it's something I know is real." I frowned at him.
He stared at me for a minute before his frown deepened.
"Are you sure he's not just going to hurt you more?" He asked and I straightened up.
"Nathaniel would never hurt me." I told him and pushed past him to sit next to the window again.
"He's already hurting you." Terrence muttered.
"I wouldn't hurt you like that."

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