Just Wanted

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"You're going to get yourself killed this way." Nate spoke as I closed the door.
A small smile crept over my face already happy to hear his silly banter.
"I had to come." I said softly walking down the stairs before my eyes widened and I covered my mouth with a gasp.
He looked like an old punching bag. His forehead was bleeding down the side of his face and He had a black eye. The only thing that wasn't really bleeding was his lips, the Alpha needed information after all.
"It's not as bad as it looks." He told me softly as I got closer.
"I hate him." I told him while glaring at his wounds.
"Yeah I do to, though I wasn't expecting you back so soon. More Questions?" He asked and I looked at his good eye. He was ignoring the situation he was in, was he just in denial? Were there really people coming to take him away from here?
"The Alpha's going to kill you tomorrow night." I told him, biting my lip.
"No he won't." His words weren't denial, he knew.
"Are you going to get out?" I asked him and I smiled when he nodded.
Then I rubbed my arm.
"Do you? Know a werewolf named Jeanie?" I asked and he blinked as if not recognizing the name before realizing who I meant and chuckled.
"Yes, I know 'Jeanie'."
I sighed, of course that wouldn't be her actual name.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just checking something." I shrugged fidgeting slightly.
He looked me over seeing the outfit Jeanie had picked out for me, but I didn't mind.
Sure I felt embarrassed from the outfit I was wearing, but other than that it was much better than the Alpha's hard stares.
"That doesn't suit you." His voice was soft, but he spoke honestly.
"Not to say it doesn't look good, but it doesn't fit."
I laughed at that covering my mouth so it wouldn't become too loud.
"You're very blunt."
"You mean I'm funny?" He asked with a light smirk and I smiled behind my hand.
"Maybe a little." I admitted making him smile.
"Thanks. And about yesterday." He paused listening as his oak ears perked up. I paused listening as well, no one was coming, he was checking.
"You do feel the connection right?" He asked as I stepped closer gently wiping the blood off his face.
"I suppose." I said quietly as I looked at his injuries, there were a lot, but no broken bones. Some one broke his shoulder back into place, and I doubt Jacob would have been so courteous.
I looked up into his eyes and felt my heart skip a beat.
His stare was powerful, he seemed to be searching for something in my eyes while at the same time trying to say something himself, but I couldn't understand.
He leaned closer to me so we were only centimeters apart.
I felt my cheeks flush at the close proximity, yet I was perfectly comfortable.
All at once, we closed the gaps between us. I didn't use my arms, I didn't find it would be fair if he couldn't use his. So we just stood where we were, our eyes closed, connected by such a small link.
He pulled away first, slowly. Once it was gone I already missed it as I bit my lips left with a tingling shadow of what had happened.
He then smiled.
'Come with me tomorrow.'
His voice in my head startled me, so much that I jumped. But I was happy we had a link now.
'I can't, I'm here because of a deal. If I leave early the Alpha will hurt my dad.'
I frowned as I thought it to him looking at the ground.
'We could take you both, you'd no longer be Omega.'
I looked up at him with a sad smile.
'He won't come, my dad may hate being an Omega, but he won't leave the pack. He loves it, he needs it. And if he leaves, someone else will become an Omega.'
Nate growled.
'Your Alpha doesn't deserve his loyalty.'
'Jacob is not the Alpha yet, his father is still alive.'
'How long do you think he'd be alive for? 76 is pretty old.'
I blinked in shock, how did he know the Alpha's age.
The Rouge smiled slyly.
"What? You thought we just wander around attacking people we don't know?" He seemed amused.
That made my expression change to curiosity.
"Why...did you attack us?" I asked him gently. He sighed.
'Not my idea I swear, the goal wasn't to kill, simply, obtain. But I assume the others just chickened out. Sadly a lot of Rouges are cowards, hence the persona we display.'
He said it in the link for a reason, and I couldn't blame him, attempting to kidnap the Alpha wasn't as bad as trying to kill him, but it was close, and the punishment was the same.
'Would you have only taken the Alpha?' I asked making him look confused.
'The Alpha? We were after the mix breed.'
This confused me, why would I be any interest to the Rouges? I'd never met any before this.
'Not you, the other one.' He clarified, but he lost me.
The red head? That didn't make any sense! He wasn't wearing a strong scent or any leather. Though he did seem a bit off.
"Terrence?" I wondered aloud and Nate perked up.
"Is that his name?"
"The red head, yes."
"That's who we're were after."
"Well this is a shock."
I spun around seeing Terrence by the stair case.
"Didn't think you guys would come after me." He was speaking to Nate with his arms folded.
"You killed three wolves, one of which was a pregnant mate. You didn't think we'd seek revenge?" He asked with a frown and I stepped back a bit to get farther away from Terrence.
"Ah yes, such vengeful creatures you Rouges are. I'm sorry about that, I'd lost control. It happens when I haven't hunted for a while."
Nate narrowed his eyes warily at him as he looked over at me.
"I couldn't believe what the Alpha said when he said we were picking up another mutt and bringing them here." He stood straight walking over to me.
I panicked a little as Nate leaned against his chains towards Terrance.
"Leave her alone."
The red head looked at him and then his chains skeptically before rolling his eyes.
"Relax I'm just looking."
He stared at me but I didn't keep constant eye contact. It didn't take a genius to figure out what his other half was.
"You can look me in the eyes you know, I have the safety on." He joked before clearing his throat and looking at the ground.
"It's not a matter of choice whether I do something good, or do something bad. That doesn't justify anything but really I can't help it. Don't tell me you aren't grateful I left yesterday when you came here to visit."
He looked down at me as I looked at him in surprise. He'd heard me, or worse, smelled me.
"Even with leather, my sense of smell is pretty powerful, though I understand why you wore it the day we met."
Nate suddenly spoke up.
"You can't tell the Alpha about any of this!" He growled making me nervous.
What if Jacob found out I'd come here not once but twice without his permission.
"Calm down, I know that."
I blinked at Terrance in confusion.
"I do bad things, doesn't mean I'm merciless." He told us while looking at me.
"We freaks should help each other, not rat each other out just to try and fit in."
A small smile appeared over my face at that.
"Thank you."
He nodded.
"Although I don't much like Jacob. I'm loyal to him. But, what he doesn't ask, he won't get the answers to."
I nodded and looked at Nate.
"I have to go before he gets back with his friends."
Terrence was already up the stairs and out the door in a flash, and I knew I should follow him, but, I was hesitant.
"Go on then." Nate sighed. We might never see each other after this.
I looked over at him.
"I won't forget you." I told him softly which made him smile.
"I think that's all I could ask for. Thank you."
I nodded before jogging up the stairs and out the door.
Now I just had to get back to my room.
I crept through the halls silently making it to my room unnoticed.
But when I opened the door my blood froze even though I didn't show it.
Jacob was sitting on my bed glaring right at me.

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