Chapter Four

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Chapter four: Directionette Introductions

“Anyways…I’m Simon Cowell, as you all should know. You girls all have two weeks to bond with the guys. Then, we start the band wars.” Said Simon.

“What? The Band Wars?” Alyssa said, obviously annoyed.

“The Directionettes  VS One Direction.” Everyone looked around.

“Then why would we need to bond with them, if we’re competing against them?” Angel questioned.

“To make it interesting.” Said Simon as he walked out and locked the door. “You guys will be let out at midnight.” He added calmly.

“Okay…so I’m stuck in a café with 4 girls I don’t know and One Direction. This should be interesting.” Said Aubrey-Lynn.

“Oh God! I’m stuck with you, in a small, dirty, horrible café with no escape till midnight?! What has the world come too?” Yelled Angel, pointing at Aubrey-Lynn.

Meanwhile, Niall walked over to Alyssa. “Hey.” He said.

“Um, hi. Thanks for helping me get up earlier… I like your songs…” Alyssa  said nervously.

“Um…you’re welcome and thanks. So where are you from?” Niall asked.

“Oh, Minnesota. Have you ever been there? It’s kinda like England… except more snow…”

“Oh, I’m not sure. I believe we went on tour there once. So…why did you decide to come here? For a band that you have no idea who else is in, or who you’ll meet?” He asked.

“I wanted to.” Alyssa tensed, getting defensive.

“You wanted to? Come on, you can tell me.” Said Niall, poking Alyssa’s arm.

“Ugh.” Alyssa said sighing. “I came cause I wanted a chance to try something new… I guess… I kinda might sing… a little…” Alyssa replied, not looking at him.

“Really now? So…a…this may be a little personal but…do you by chance have no boyfriend?” Niall wondered, stuttering a little.

“Umm… why? Because I could get one if I wanted to!” Alyssa responded, raising her voice a little.

“I was just wondering…uh…if…by any chance that is…if you would wanna date me? I mean like we could start out slow and-“ Said Niall, but Alyssa cut him off.

“Really? Is this a prank? It better not be a prank.” Alyssa looked at Niall expectantly, like she was waiting for him to tell her it was a dare.

“What? No! I wouldn’t do that!” He said. “To a girl like you anyways…” He added when the boys gave him a stare.

“Umm… are they threatening you? Because you’re nice, and they scare me a little.”

“No! We were just looking at him cause he would do that only, we all think he really likes you! We can tell by the way he looks at you.” Said Zayn.

“No, they obviously weren’t threatening me. And thank you, I am very nice. And why do they scare you?” Asked Niall.

“Ah, well they, are maybe a little more intimidating, and kind of taller… and have deeper voices…” Alyssa muttered.

Aubrey-Lynn burst out laughing. “That’s funny since you’re taller than me, and they don’t scare me! But, then again, that’s probably because my dad’s really tall…and scary-“ She got cut off by Angel crying her eyes out when the word ‘dad’ was said. Zayn looked pained.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Asked Jackie, looking at her like ‘what has just happened to the girl who had no expression before’. Angel glared at her and stomped off. Zayn and Jackie ran after her.

“Did I say the wrong thing, or something?” Asked Aubrey-Lynn quietly and shyly.


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