Chapter One

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There were five One Direction crazy girls. This is their story, of how they came together to get close to a few, certain boys. 1 Direction, hope you’re ready, because here come

The Directionettes.

Chapter one: part one: Jackie Holms

Favorite member of 1 D: Harry

Jackie was sitting on her bed as her phone rang. It played Up All Night as the ring tone, and she waited for it to finish before she answered.

“Hello?” She asked into the phone.

“Is this Jaclyn Holms?” A husky voice, with a bit of an accent, replied. It scared Jackie and she debated whether or not to tell the truth.

“Depends. Who are you?” She answered, trying to sound casual, but fear oozing from her voice.

“A band producer. My name is Comon Siwell. I heard you sing.” The voice sounded a little less scary and more motherly, even though it was a male voice. Like a mom laughing at her silly kids. Jackie eased up.

“Really? Was I good?’ She asked eagerly.

“Depends. Are you Jackie Holms?” The voice took her words and used them.


“Then you are wonderful. I would like to induct you to a new band. You would be a lead vocalist.” The voice named Comon offered.

“Well, sure. When do I meet you?” Jackie knew it could be a joke or even a trap, but singing was her life; that and Harry Styles.

“Tomorrow at the Woodville Café in London.” Jackie felt numb. She lived in Texas though!

“I-I can’t. I live in Texas.” She said, her voice catching. She went to close the phone.

“Wait!” The voice shouted and got her attention. “I’ll pay for the flight.” It proceeded to tell her what to do and what his email was and how he would email her the tickets.

“Th-thanks. That’s rea-really n-n-nice o-of you.” She stammered and hung up.

And that was how Jackie Holms ended up in London.

Chapter one: part two: Samara Arisiec

Favorite Member of 1 D: Liam

Samara ran to her room and locked the door. She threw everything she owned into a tiny black suitcase. She shoved her laptop and pillow into her tote bag. Her phone in her pocket, she jumped out the window. She heard a crash from inside and figured her mom and dad were now both drunk.

She felt her head and took her hand away. Red. The rain would soon wash the blood away, though. It was about to storm. She ran to the nearest store, a cute café in Woodville. She walked in and sat at her table.

The waiter had seen her come in with a bloody head and knew that her dad had lost control again. He anticipated they would do the usual routine. He would bandage her wounds and give her a cup of hot chocolate. They would talk and work on the story they were writing together. She would crash at his apartment. She would leave the next morning.

But this time, as he approached the table, a shadowy man put on note on the tray he was carrying. It had Samara’s name on the front and was neatly folded into three. The waiter looked at it, but gave it to Samara anyway.

Samara opened the envelope as he bandaged her bottle sized scratch. It was very deep this time.

Anyway, Samara unfolded the note and read the writing carefully.

“I am a band producer and own a record label. I would like you to be in my band. Be here tomorrow at noon and I will tell you the rest.

~ C. Siwell”

 She nodded at it and gently put it in her pocket. If she went, and it went bad, it wouldn’t matter. It would get her out of that trap she calls home, without those devils she calls parents.

And so she decided to go.

Chapter one: part three: Aubrey-Lynn McDonson

Favorite Member of 1 D: Louis

Aubrey-Lynn was twenty and had just moved into her small cottage in Lititz, Pennsylvania. She felt sad about leaving her two little sisters and her two little brothers. She missed them already, and she had only been gone for three days. Then, she had an idea- she could email them!

She hopped onto her desk chair and looked at her unread messages. None from her sisters, Kat, who is seventeen, or Bubs, who is nine. None from her brothers, Mac who is twelve, or BJ, who is Mac’s twin. But, there was one unread email. From an unknown account. She scanned it and gasped. She had been invited to be part of a band. They met in Woodville at a café. And there were plane tickets, too.

It was signed C. Siwell, and she looked it up. It said he was a real producer. She was so excited!

She called her sister Kat, who also sings well, and they blathered on about for an hour straight. Finally her mother pulled Kat off the phone.

They said quick good byes, and once they were done, Aubrey-Lynn started packing.

And that’s how the goody-two-shoes of Pennsylvania came to London.

Chapter one: part four: Alyssa Ambers

Favorite Member of 1 D: Niall

Alyssa turned eighteen a day ago and it was the day after she graduated high school. She was jogging to Starbucks but a man stopped her.

“Hello, Alyssa.” Alyssa tensed and tried to figure out whose voice that was. The shadowy man smiled and she sent him a death glare.

“What do you want, who are you, and why are you here?” He chuckled and shook his head at her hostile tone.

“I want you to become part of my band, my name is Comon Siwell, and I’m here to invite you into my band.” She didn’t buy it.

“I don’t buy it. What are you trying to pull?” Alyssa asked. He just turned around and tossed her a plane ticket to London. She ogled at it then snatched it up.

“Meet me at the Woodville Café around noon.” He smirked and left. She opened her mouth to yell but found herself unable to speak.

And that’s how the only red-head in Heatherton, Minnesota came to London.

Chapter one: part five: Angel Borsoadi

Favorite Member of 1 D: Zayn

Angel came home from work early one day. She went to unlock the door to find the door already open. She began to worry and she walked into her kitchen. Unlike everyday after work, her mother was not cooking dinner, and her father was nowhere in sight.

“Mum?” She called. Then something, or someone, dressed in black caught her eye. She noticed it had a large bag. It then noticed her and ran to the door. But, before it reached the door, she kneed him where the sun doesn’t shine. Angel scratched his eyes and punched his mouth. By then the figure was knocked out.

She went to the study to get the phone and call 911. She walked in and almost passed out from the sight she saw. Her parents lay dead on the floor. She backed up and ran out. She ran upstairs and called the police with her cell. She then locked herself in her room.

She heard the bell ring and the police barge in. She croaked out an ‘up here’ and went to sleep. She woke up around ten in the night. She saw a large crow outside her window. It was holding a paper. The crow dropped it and flew into the night sky.

Angel reached over and picked up the paper. It was folded in three and said Angel on the front. She unfolded it. Her jaw dropped at the note. It was from a band producer?!?

She glared at the note but decided she could handle herself if anything got messy.

And that’s how the wildest rebel in Australia, ended up in London.

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