Chapter Six

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Chapter six: part one: Escape At Midnight Aubrey-Lynn hadn't spoken to anyone except Louis.

"So..." Said Jackie, breaking the silence of Aubrey-Lynn's unhappy mood.

"What?" Said Louis angrily.

"Hey, it's not my fault. She brought this on too herself." Said Jackie.

"You didn't have to bring up her family!" Louis said.

"You don't have to yell at Jackie." Said Harry, standing up for Jackie. Niall scoffed uncomfortabley.

"Exactly." Said Jackie, clutching to Harry. Aubrey-Lynn got up and started pacing around the room in a daze.

"You okay?" Asked Liam. Aubrey-Lynn didn't answer. She went over and sat down again, next to Louis.

"What tme is it?" Whined Angel. Aubrey-Lynn took out her phone and handed it to Louis.

"11:59 p.m." He said, looking up.

" you girls wanna come over?" Asked Zayn. Just then the door swung open and Simon Cowell walked in.

"Hey, you're free to go." He said, then, left.

"So, do you wanna come over or not?" Asked Zayn again. Aubrey-Lynn grabbed her stuff and ran out the door.

Chapter six: part two: The Chase

Louis went and ran after Aubrey-Lynn. He soon caught up to her and made her stop and look at him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Anywhere." She said through tears. Soon, the rest of The Directionettes and 1D cought up.

"Hey...uh...what's wrong?" Asked Niall. Aubrey-Lynn glared and, attempted to run off again.

"You are not going anywhere, missy." Said Liam, catching her. "Until you tell us what's wrong." She just stared up at him like a hurt puppy, that's been neglected and abandoned.

"Are you...crying?" Asked Samara. Everyone tried to look closer to see if she was cause when they first met her, she seemed like the kind of person not to cry.

Laim loosened his grip on Aubrey-Lynn, which was a big mistake. She instantly turned and ran, to quick to be caught.

"Well, this is just great. We have a girl that has no idea where she is, lost." Stated Zayn. Louis looked at the ground in frustration.

"Let's go after her, but how 'bout we split up?" Offered Angel. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay so, Harry and Jackie, Liam and Samara, Niall and Alyssa, and then, Louis, Angel, and me." Said Zayn. Chapter six: part three: Lost Aubrey-Lynn felt like she had been running for hours and it had started to rain. She knew everyone was going to look for her so, she needed a place to hide.

"Where to hide. Where to hide?" She muttered to herself. She saw a nice little hotel and decided to go there, if that didn't work, she'd go hide in a bush.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Asked the attandent behing the desk.

" much are rooms?" Aubrey-lynn asked.

"Twenty-five euros a night." Said the lady.

"In dollars?" She asked hopefully.

"Oh, then that'd be," She said, looking at a calculater. "Fifty dollars." Aubrey-Lynn pretended her phone rang.

"Oh, nevermind, my aunt got back. You see, I just got here and she wasn't home, and I was tired so...bye!" Said Aubrey-Lynn walking to the door.

"Bye!" Yelled the attandent. So, Aubrey-Lynn hid in a bush for about what seemed like one hour until she heard voices.

"I hope she's okay. I know the city can be very, very scary at night." Said a girl's voice.

"I'm sure she's fine. She probabley knows what to do and all." Responded a guy's voice. Aubrey-Lynn kew instantly that it was Liam and Samara.

"But..." Said Samara.

"But, what?" Asked Liam quietly.

"Nevermind. Should we check the bushes?" Asked Samara. Aubrey-Lynn froze.

"Please don't look, please don't look." Aubrey-Lynn said in her mind.

"Nah, I think we would've seen her in the bushes." Said Liam.

"But, she's so small." Whispered Samara. Aubrey-Lynn heard some muttering then, footsteps walking away from her. She waited for about five minutes then, decided to move.

Meanwhile, "I'm worried about her. I mean she's so small and frail and pretty. She could get hurt or-or killed!" Said Louis.

"Hey, think on the bright side, she could be safe and sound in a nice little hotel." Said Zayn.

"What made her so sad anyways?" Asked Angel.

"I promised I wouldn't tell. There is and no way possible to get me to tell you." Said Louis.

"Carrots?" Said Zayn, holding the bag infront of Louis. Louis looked so pained but, tried not to fall into the power of carrots.

Soon, Louis had to grab the bag of carrots. Just when he was about to tell her they heard yelling.

"Get back here you little blonde!" Screamed a voice. Chapter six: part four: The Capture Three figures came running at them, one far ahead of the others.

"Aubrey! Come here!" Yelled a voice.

Zayn, Louis, And Angel all looked at eachother than, ran towards the group of people. The far away figure didn't seem to notice them and, ran right into them.

"Let! Me! Go!" Yelled Aubrey-Lynn.

"No." Said Zayn sternly. Aubrey-Lynn fell limp in Zayn's arms and didn't speak.

Louis called Harry and Niall  to let them know where they are.

"" Panted Samara. Liam nodded in agreement.

"Why did you take off like that?" Asked Angel, looking up to see Niall and a very fustered looking Alyssa walking thier way.  Aubrey-Lynn stayed mute.

Zayn felt Aubrey-Lynn tense up. He looked up to see a very mad Jackie stomping their way with a worried looking Harry, close behind.

"You, owe me, big time!" Yelled Jackie.

"How so? I didn't do a thing." Aubrey-Lynn replied. Jackie turned a very dark shade of red and turned around and walked off to the side. Aubrey-Lynn smiled to herself.

Louis walked over to Aubrey-Lynn and grabbed her from Zayn. "I am not letting you out of my sight again! You had me worried!" Louis stated.

"Ya, right." She muttered.

"No, it's true he didnt shut-up about you once." Said Angel.

Aubrey-Lynn turned to Louis with a raised eye brow. "Uh..." Said Louis blushing a little. "Well..?" Aubrey-Lynn said expectantly.  

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