Chapter Three

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Chapter three: part one: The Meeting

Samara walked in to the small little café in Woodville. Memories flooded back to her of her father, beating her, doing everything in his power to make her life miserable. She walked to a booth in a far corner.

Jackie walked into a small café and instantly felt all eyes on her. She was used to this though, she got this attention all the time back home. She walked over to a table and sat down.

Aubrey-Lynn walked into what she thought, was the cutest little café she had ever seen. She tripped as she tried to sit down in a chair. A tall guy helped her back up.  “Watch where you’re walking. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” He said and smiled. “Thank you, and I will.” She replied and sat down.

Angel walked into the smallest café she had ever seen. “Ugh, so small. So messy.” She muttered. She sat in a chair across from a weird smiling blonde chick. She checked her phone for anything to get away from this place.

Alyssa jumped in the window of the café. A blonde guy or whatever, helped her up.

“Does this count as falling for me?” Alyssa blushed for the first time in a year. She quickly bought an expresso and scurried to a table. What she didn’t notice were the four guys already sitting in the booth.

Comon Siwell smiled in a corner as his twin brother, Simon Cowell walked in.  He watched his brother walk to the counter and tell the waiter something. “Would everyone except Aubrey-Lynn, Angel, Alyssa, Jackie, Samara, and five certain boys, please leave?” And then he took out a megaphone from behind the counter and shouted it out. Everyone, but the desired ten, left reluctantly.

Chapter three: part two: One Direction Meets The Directionettes

Niall was staring at the chick that fell through the window. That was now sitting next  to him. And the rest of One Direction…

Louis was staring at the girl he helped up.

Harry was staring down all the girls’ shirts and dresses.

Liam was staring at the crying girl in the far, dark corner booth.

Zayn was staring at his reflection in a spoon.

Samara was crying in a booth, not noticing the world around her. Only her miserable self.

Jackie was fixing her make-up in the girls’ bathroom, which was utterly disgusting and unclean.

Aubrey-Lynn was absent-mindedly tracing the stripes on the sleeve of Louis’s shirt.

Angel was staring at what she thought was a disgusting café.

Alyssa was blushing, again, at the blonde boy, who was announced as her favorite One Direction member, Niall.

“Boys! Come here!” Shouted Simon. The five boys instantly moved away from the girls in an uncomfortable silence, towards him.

“I would like you all to meet the girls of the new band I’m starting, called The Directionettes.” Said Simon.

All the girls looked up as Simon said this.

“What?!” Yelled Angel “You mean I have to work with that?!” She also stated pointing towards Aubrey-Lynn.

“For your information I am a chika!” Yelled Aubrey-Lynn.

“Oh, really? I thought you were a boy,” Angel said sarcastically.

“Would you two shut-up!” Yelled Jackie.

“Don’t you dare get into this!” Screamed Angel.

“I will if I want to!” Yelled Jackie.

“GIRLS!” Yelled Simon.

“WHAT?!” Screamed all three of the arguing girls.

“I WILL KICK YOU IF YOU THREE DON’T SHUT UP!!!!” Shouted Simon. All the girls were quiet. “That’s better.” Simon said and carried on. “Now. Niall, this is Alyssa. Harry, this is Jackie.” Harry smirked and Jackie winked. Alyssa winced at them. “Zayn, this is Angel. Liam, meet Samara. Samara? Samara! Stop crying and listen!” Samara looked up, remembering that this was still going on. She waved to Liam. Angel sent Zayn death glares as he continued to check himself out. “Louis, meet Aubrey-Lynn.”

“Hey…aren’t you that guy that helped me up when I fell?” Aubrey asked. Louis nodded, “Hi.” Louis said shyly.

“Oooh, look who’s falling for a bird from America!” Liam teased. Louis hit him in the stomach. Aubrey-Lynn blushed. Everyone laughed-except Louis and Aubrey-Lynn.

“Louis and Aubrey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage! Then, comes baby in a baby-carriage.” Everyone chanted. Aubrey-Lynn rolled her eyes while Louis blushed again. This time, even Aubrey-Lynn laughed but Louis still didn’t.

Harry walked over to Jackie. “Hey baby, what’s up?” He asked.

“Hmm…nothing.” She replied with a smirk on her face.

“Oh, really?” Harry asked. Jackie nodded.

“You dating anyone?” Harry also asked. She shook her head ‘no’.

“Really? A lovely bird like you, with no boyfriend?” Harry said.

“Yup. I like being single…sometimes.” She replied.

“Oh. And is now a time you wanna be taken or single?” He asked.

“Taken-but only by a certain boy,” Jackie said.

“Would that certain boy, by chance, be me?” Harry asked.

“Maybe.” Jackie said.

“Oh, well then, I might as well take the chance, would you date me?” Harry asked.

“Sure.” Said Jackie.

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