The Same Story Different Day

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It was about 1:15 p.m. when I woke up. The sunlight was burning my eyes so I turned over to the other side of the bed. Soft hands grabbed my waist.

"Good afternoon beautiful." Ronnie said kissing my nose.

"Ugh Ronnie I'm so tired!" I groaned

"Babe it's like 1:30 p.m. wake up!"

"Ugh just a few more minuets!" I said burring my face in the crook of his neck.

There were knocks on the bus door. That finally woke me up. I got out of bed to go answer the door.

"Hey baby you might wanna put some clothes on before opening the door."

"Damn it!" I yelled throwing on sweats and a hoodie.

Before I answered the door I put my hair in a messy bun. The knocks won't stop. Finally I opened the door.

"Hello?" I said in a groggy voice.

Reyna ran into the bus crying with her head in her hands. What happened? Ronnie came out of the bedroom shirtless and pulled me onto his lap as he sat on the couch.

"Reyna what's the matter?" I say worried.

"Andy cheated on me with Juliet." Reyna sobs.

"I'm sure he didn't mean too." Ronnie says kissing my neck.

"*cough* asshole *cough* That's what they all say." I said as I slapped Ronnie on the leg.

That really bothered me when he said that.

"C'mon Reyna we're gonna go somewhere!" I said taking her hand.

Dragging her hand we made it to the PTV bus. I know what we need to do PARTY!!! Vic was surprised to see me, so was Mike. Vic embraced me in a hug.

"Alright my sexicans, Renya over here is down in the dumps and we need to cheer her up!"

Mike and Tony looked at each other then looked at Vic.

"Party!!" They screamed.

Reyna and I went back to the bus, while Vic and the boys planned the party on the beach. I dragged Reyna by the bedroom to find her some cute clothes to wear. We found a low cut purple tank top, white skinny jeans, and purple flip flops. As Reyna changed in the bathroom I found my self a Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt, high waisted jean shorts, and grey Adidas high tops. Ronnie's phone went off so I checked it. He was texting another girl.

Alicia: Hey baby, I can't wait to see you tonight at the club! (;

Who the fuck is Alicia? Is he with a new girl? He told me it was just us!

Reyna got out of the bathroom and we went by Vic and Mike. Mike and Reyna walked in front of us to the beach. I saw Ronnie waiting by the FIR bus smiling at me.

"Babe where ya headed?" Ronnie said trying to kiss me but I pulled away.

"So are you headed to the club with that whore Alicia? I saw the text messages Ronnie!" I cried.

"Did you get permission to go through my phone? No! Maybe I should be worried that you and Vic are gonna hook up?" He yelled in my face.

"Dude Ronnie back off you always treat her like shit! She's too good to cheat on anybody!" Vic chimed in.

"Dude this is between us not you! Sam you better fucking move or you'll be the one getting slapped!" Ronnie growled.

When Ronnie said that Jacky ran outside angry. He pushed Ronnie away from Vic and I.

"If you EVER lay a hand on my little sister you'll never know what's coming to you! Sam Vic get out of here. Ronnie you and Sam are done til you learn to show her some respect!" Jacky yelled with his deep British accent.

Vic wrapped his arm around my waist and we left to the beach. Everybody started drinking and Reyna and Andy got back together! Vic pulled me by everybody who was dancing.

"Here Sam drink this you need to let loose!"

I took the drink and started drinking. By 20 minuets later I downed about 7 drinks. Yes I was drunk, but I'm single so who gives a fuck? Vic took my hand and I started dancing on him. About 10 minuets later he took me back to his tour bus. He was now drunk too.

"Sam come here." He slurred.

I sat down next to him. He then leaned in and we kissed. He was fiddling with my shirt so he broke the kiss and took it off.

I guess its the same story but different days.

Oh Damn! I ended up having drunken sex with Vic in his room.

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