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(Credit to original artist)

Jack's POV)

I woke up my alarm, screaming, 'Top o' the mornin' to ya laddie! Time to wake up!'

I should really change that.

I roll over and reach my phone, hitting the home button. The alarm stopped and I sighed, letting it drop to my chest.

After 3 minutes of just lying there, I finally bring myself to get my arse out of bed.

I realize I'm in the guest bedroom in Mark's home. It was nice though. It was a queen-sized bed with coral sheets and a light-blue wall colour. The window was across from the bed and had a view of the palm-trees outside Mark's house.

I get out of bed, remaking the covers and go over to my suitcase, grabbing a pair of black skinny-jeans and a black t-shirt with a pocket on the front-right peck.

I put on my black converse from yesterday and pack up the rest of my things in my suit case. I zip it up and roll it through the door, making my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

When I reach the kitchen, Ethan was on the couch, still asleep and Tyler was making eggs and sausage. Mark was coming in, yawning as he made his way over to Ethan, shaking his shoulder.

"Five more minutes mom. I have a video..." Ethan said. He smiled and rolled over, his back facing us. I snicker and go over to help Mark.

"If you don't hurry, we won't go to Disney World," I whisper in his ear. His head perks up and smiles.

"Come on guys! Disney is calling my name!" He got up and made his way to the door.

"Ethan, you need pants, first of all. Second of all, we aren't even in Florida yet. We need breakfast first, so get your ass in some pants and put your bags by the door," Mark says. Ethan looks down and he instantly blushes from embarrassment when he finds his bare legs. He was only in a T-shirt.

"Awe, Mark, let the poor boy go through the streets in his underwear. At least he could pick up a girl on the way to the airport," Tyler says from the kitchen. He smirks and looks up and down Ethan. He immediately covers his pant-less legs and picks a pair of pants from his duffle-bag. He puts on a pair of dark-blue skinny-jeans and a light-blue t-shirt. He puts a pair of low-top, blue converse on and puts his bags by the door, next to Tyler's, Mark's and I's.

"There. Pants. Happy?" He poses with one leg bent a bit, his hand on his hip and his other hand on his bent knee.

"Yes, now let's eat and go to the airport!" I say. I jump up and push Ethan into the kitchen, making him grab food.

Mark looked at his phone and grinned.

"B said to drink Orange juice and to wear comfy clothes. Also, we have to leave in the next 20 minutes so shove your food down your throat." He gave another yawn and made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a plate and sitting at the counter.

"It's 5 on the mornin' Mark, our flights at 8!" I cross my arms and walk to the kitchen and get some food.

"We need to put our bags in the baggage place and plus, it's a 5-hour flight. Long flights tend to be more crowded," he says in-between bites.

"5 hours? We would get there at 1 then," Ethan said. Tyler shakes his head and walked over to the blue boy.

"Florida is 3 hours ahead, meaning we technically get there at 4." He puts a hand on Ethan's shoulder and rubs it.

"Oh, so I can't go to Disney today?" He looks at me and I shrug.

"Mark! I wanna go to Disney!" Ethan pouts and I almost spit my orange juice out. I swallow and laugh.

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