Chapter 12-Naaron?

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After Ben was finally done shopping, we decided to go back to the hotel.

"Will the guys be back?" Ben asked me as we were walking back.

"Uh, I'm not sure, they might go out to eat or something after." I said. "Do you want to meet them, Nicole?"

"Uh, duh!" She said, making me laugh.

"Ok, ok. You will, but I don't know when." I giggled.

"Well you did offer someone take me home," She nudged me and winked, making me burst out laughing.

"Omg, stop." I said, tears running down my face from laughing to hard.

I dropped my longboard and grabbed onto Ben's shoulders, him pulling me. We do this alot, I don't know, it's sorta like our thing. Because he can't ride and I still want to, this way I can still ride my board, but go the same speed as Ben walks.

"We're here!" I announced once we were outside of the hotel. I let go of Ben's shoulders and pushed off, flying into the lobby.

"Dani," The doorman, Nick, said.

"Sorry Nick," I said, stepping off my board.

See, I am now known in the hotel, because I always ride my longboard in the lobby and the halls. Everyday they tell me to stop, but I never do. Oops.

"Carry me," I said dramatically, holding my arms out to Ben.

Psh, no way," He said, swatting his hand at me like he was swatting away a fly.

We stood there looking at each other for a second, before I collapsed on the ground. (a/n Khloe Kardashian did this when she was talking to Kris, so I had to include it! :P)

"Ugh, Dani, you drama queen!" Ben groaned.

I just layed there motionless.

"Um, can you like, get rid of the body or something. I'm sure other guests won't want to see this." Nick told Ben, motioning with his hand towards me.

"Sure thing, Nick." Ben grabbed my hands and dragged me to the elevator.

"Nicole, grab her board!" Ben called over his shoulder.

"Kk!" Nicole called to him.

"Ben, your hurting my butt." I said, looking up at him.

He just shrugged. "Not my fault you wouldn't get up."

"Dani, I love you hair," Nicole said in the elevator.

I looked down at my fast fading blue hair. "Thanks, but it's fading so fast."

"We should dye it a different color!" Ben screamed.

"Wow Ben, thanks so much for bursting my eardrums." I said sarcastically.

"Anytime bae," Ben said blowing me a kiss.

I rolled my eyes. "What color should I dye it?" I asked, examining my ends.

"Ohhh, you should do purple. Like keep it an ombre, but just change the blue to purple." Nicole said, jumping up and down.

"That would be really cool." I said.

"I know." Nicole flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Because obviously I thought of it."

"Course," I said.

"We'll go to the salon and do it tomorrow?" I said/asked, looking at Nicole and Ben.

"Yeah, I'm free." Nicole told me.

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