Chapter 3~Connections

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It had been about two weeks since my get-together with Damian. Since then, we'd been working on the science project and just chatting for hours every single day. I really thought that I'd found a close friend in him. Little did I know that I'd found a brother.

"Avery," Mrs. Lopez's thick accent made me groan, "phone call! You have a phone call!"

"Coming!" I called, hurrying down the steps.

She wordlessly passed the phone to me before she rolled her eyes and snarled. I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Avery?" A man's voice said.

"That's me," I said suspiciously, "are you from the school district? Have I done something wrong?"

"No. This is Bruce Wayne, Damian's father. I heard about your situation and well, I just put in your adoption forms. You'll officially be my daughter within a few days."

I bit the side of my lip. Days? Could he even do that? I was at a loss for words. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or scream or panic or ask a thousand questions.

I heard a chuckle from Bruce, "lost for words, are you?" There was a brief silence before I heard him yell, "Dick, give me my phone back!"

"One sec, Bruce! Let me talk to her!" An excited voice called, before turning his attention to me. "Hey, Kid. I'm Dick, we met when you came over. This makes me your older brother, huh?"

"Grayson!" I heard Damian groan in the background.

This was it. Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and Damian. They were my new family. I couldn't help but grin. They seemed so close, so happy. It was chaotic but it wasn't in a bad way.

"See you tomorrow, kid!" Dick said before he hung up the phone.

The time came for me to finally become a Wayne. Alfred walked me inside, I looked around at the entrance. Dick was leaning on the doorway, smiling at me. He seemed friendly, though I couldn't let my guard down. I walked up to him, in my ripped jeans and faded tee-shirt. He greeted me, ruffling my hair.

"Carter, you're here." Damian said from somewhere behind Dick. Titus the dog followed him over and then pounced on me, sniffing every inch of my body.


My first gala came along. I just had to play the part of some shy, innocent teenage girl. I could handle it. I walked into the bedroom to find a dress sitting on the bed. I had chosen it myself, but this was the first time I had seen it in person, since Bruce had ordered it online for me. I loved it, it was my very first time in a dress. It was an open-back dress, and it was a really light shade of pink, almost white. I smiled as I shut the bedroom door in order to put it on.

I walked down the hallway and went down to the kitchen, Bruce was fixing his tie. Tim, who I'd met only recently, was talking with him when they both turned to look at me. The gala made me anxious, especially since I wasn't wearing my contacts. I felt ugly, like no one would like me. Bruce stared at me for what seemed like a lifetime before he finally said, "you look nice, Avery."

I grinned. "Thanks, Bruce."

Tim gave me a nod of approval. Dick walked into the room, tie loose, and looked at me. I felt like crying, I was so scared of this gala. I knew something bad would happen. I knew it.

"Nervous?" Dick tilted his head at me.

"Very." I admitted with a jittery chuckle.

"Just stay with me, okay?" He said gently.

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