Chapter 14~ Heading Home

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Weekly family dinners, every Sunday. Even Jason showed up to them, no matter what. Everyone had to be there. No exceptions. Since Jon and I were officially dating, he ended up having to come with me soon after the news broke out, which took about a month. Steph wasted no time pestering him, asking him constant questions about our relationship. Poor Jon looked so uncomfortable. When he shot me a pleading look, I whispered, "Welcome to the family." and went to go spend some time with my brothers and sisters. 

Cass was the first to greet me, after Steph had nearly hauled my poor boyfriend away from me. Most of them seemed to have seen it coming. 

"They're a couple." Steph told Dick. 

"I think I knew before they did." Dick replied. 

"We all knew before they did." Damian rolled his eyes. 

I rolled my eyes and seated myself between Jon and Steph, just so I could give the poor boy a break. I started eating, contently listening to my siblings, Bruce, and Alfred, make small talk. It would be a brawl sooner or later. 

"Look at you," Alfred's eyes seemed to be locked on mine, whispering so I could hardly hear him, "my youngest granddaughter, all grown up." I smiled at him. Alfred had taught me a lot, he had taught all of us a lot. 

There was no place I'd rather be then there, at that table, with Jon and my family. Oh, poor Jon, with Steph's rambling. I wondered how the woman was still breathing, with how much she talked. 

"Dickie-bird!" I yelped when he told an embarrassing story, leaving Jon cackling. It was another story of how I dealt with the discrimination over my heterochromia.

"What? It was funny!" 

"No, it really, really wasn't." 

"Even Bruce was laughing." Jason chimed in.  

"Remember that documentary we saw?" Tim asked. 

"Oh my god, the one about Batman and the identities?" Barbara's eyes went wide with nostalgia. 

"Yeah." Tim laughed. 

"What documentary?" Jon asked us. 

"Oh, I need to show it to you. Somebody made a DOCS on Batman's secret identity and all the conspiracies. I'm sure there's a Superman one out there, but this one takes the cake."I shook my head. "It was so funny." 

"Tim's a woman...." Jason said bashfully, face red. He couldn't resist, could he? 

The answer is no. 

"And Nightwing is a mailman because of his butt." Cass snickered. 

"It was an hour-long film full of....a lot of mess." Tim rolled his eyes jokingly. 

"I'm glad that I was not in the room. I may have just gone hysterical, judging by the noises I heard from the living room." Alfred said. 

"Ah, sorry Alf." 

"It's alright, master Jason." 

"Go to hell, Jason!" Tim shouted when Jay snagged some of his food. 

"Been there, done that." Jason replied, stuffing his face. 

"Same here." Damian raised his hand, pursing his lips. 

Jon laughed, though it didn't seem very amused, before kissing me, and turning his attention back to my family. Bruce gave him the infamous bat-glare from across the table before he looked down at his food. I caught myself a Supes, sorry Bruce. Side note: He and Clark glared at each other for the entire reception on our wedding day, not that it would come until much later. 

I sighed happily, watching my adoptive family bicker. It only took about twenty minutes for things to explode, a new record. 

I figured I'd get in on the action when Jason and Damian started fistfighting. Well, actually, it was more like throwing my body on top of them. I somehow managed to climb up to the chandelier and dropped myself from it. Because Jason was bigger than me, I slid right down his back. Bruce caught me, luckily. Jon laughed, clearly in shock and amused at the same time. He flew over and grabbed me the moment Bruce put me down, making Steph squeal quietly. 

"Superboy saved me." I kissed his forehead and went back to my family. 

Eventually, we split it up, guys and girls, not really on purpose. Poor Jon had to deal with my brothers while Barbara, Cass, Steph, and I had some girl talk. 

"So, when did it happen?" Steph asked.

I started talking about the coffee date. 

"Wait, you really thought that it was platonic? I thought you were being sarcastic!" Steph exclaimed, earning a nudge from Barbara. 

"Am I really that oblivious?" 

"Yup. Steph's got a point." Cass said bluntly. 

"I'm just glad your not wearing those damn contacts anymore. See, look, you landed yourself a guy, looking the way you were born. Natural beauty." Barbara said. 

"Barbie..." I groaned in embarrassment. 

"Oh god, let's not bring back that nickname." 

At least my siblings knew about Jon's crush and had a little time to get out of the overprotective stage and learn to accept him. Bruce was another story, and Alfred would've been respectful anyway. 

"No, you know what, let's bring it back." Steph said. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dick whisper something in Jon's ear that made his eyes get all big, then Dick patted his shoulder and went back to having whatever lighthearted talk they were having. Okay, maybe we weren't quite in the clear. 

Poor Jon. I wished I didn't let Jason and Tim talk me into bringing him with me. 


We all decided to rewatch the documentary from years ago. We clicked the TV on. Just like last time, it ended in screaming laughter. I had tears running down my face by the five minute mark. 

Jon leaned his head into my arm as he squealed with laughter. I was sandwiched on the floor between Jason and Jon, with Tim on the couch above me. Cass had her head buried in one of the pillows. Even Alfred and Bruce joined us, even though they looked absolutely exhausted by the end. 

I laughed constantly. It was just the type of energy coming from my family, not to mention the hysterical film on the TV in front of me. Even Damian had tears in his eyes by the end. 

"Oh god...." Dick tried to regain his composure and failed miserably. "I forgot how much of an adventure that was." 

"Same here.." Steph said, trying to catch her breath. 

Jon was still cackling into my shoulder. "Why a Kent?" I heard Bruce mumble, and there was no doubt Jon heard him too, thanks to his Kryptonian-ness. I had given Jon a warning beforehand. I saw how protective he was when Dick and Barbara started dating, I knew what was coming. 

In the end, there was no place I would rather be. 

No position I would rather hold. 

No role I would rather play, 

than the little sister, 

than the newest Wayne. 

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