Chapter 10~ Every Word

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I grunted a little in annoyance. 

"Let's grab Dami and head home." Dick sighed, fluttering a hand. Jason opened his mouth to object but Tim nearly tackled him into going along. 

Heterochromia. What a wild ride. 


We were in the living room, each doing our own thing, but we were still talking to one another. I had my body draped across Dick's lap, my laptop on my stomach as I worked on my newest chapter, typing like a madwoman. He stared up at the TV in front of him as he and Jason, who was perched on the arm of the couch, reading through social media, talked about...whatever guys who were in their late twenties talked about. Tim had all of his weight on Jason as he squinted at his own laptop, reading something that I really hoped I didn't write. Cass was on top of Tim, watching TV, which Steph reading a book at her feet. Damian was sitting on the couch next to Barbara, the two of them also rambling while Damian read a book and Barbara watched TV. 

I got so into my story, I seemed to forget to speak. Bruce walked past us, a small smile on his face. He made eye contact with Alfred, the old English man returned his smile and looked back at us kids. 

"I mean, it's just plain cool." Tim rambled. 

"Dude, you're the only person who cares about that mandela effect stuff." Barbara rolled her eyes. 

"I like it, too!" Steph pouted. 

I didn't hear what came next, I was too in-the-moment. Cass reached down from the couch and towards the floor where Dick and I sat, so she could graze my short hair with her fingers. I moved my head closer to her, earning light chuckles from the rest of my family. It was slightly embarrassing, but I didn't care. It was my birthday, I was allowed to be affectionate. 

"So, how old are you today?" Dick leaned down, his thick black hair blocking my view of the laptop. 

"Fourteen." I murmured, slowly pulling myself into reality as I hit 'publish'. 

"Oh god, fourteen." He chuckled. "Hey, Bruce, remember me at fourteen?"  

"I don't think I want to remember you at fourteen." Bruce said slyly. 

"What were you like at our age?" Damian raised an eyebrow, looking up from his book. All eyes were on Dick now. Steph scooted closer, earning a short-lived glare from Cass, who clearly didn't want to be moved. I realized that she was wearing socks with the batman logo on them, which made me smirk. 

"Oh no..." Jason groaned, memories of his and Dick's childhood rushing through him like blood in his veins. 

"He was...interesting." Barbara let out a huff. 

"I wasn't that annoying." Dick stated. 

"Pixie boots and scaly panties." Jason couldn't contain his laughter, leaning forward and nearly toppling over off the couch. Tim elbowed him after Jason nearly took him down, too. 

"Don't forget his 'Karate Kid' phase." Barbara stated, causing Dick to turn bright red. 

I heard a 'ping' coming from Tim's direction. "Oh, she updated." He leaned forward.

"What?" Jason raised an eyebrow. 

"Avery's novel." He explained with a small roll of his eyes. 

"Let's read it!" Dick opted. 

"Trying to get the spotlight off yourself?" I teased as I sat up and set my laptop aside, then leaned into his chest. 

"Never. I love the spotlight. Just not from these two," he motioned between Jason and Babs, "always ganging up on me..." 

"Shut the hell up." Jason shot back. 

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