RainWing Hybrids - Rain-Sea

167 3 16

Names = Date of Birth
Occupation = Month


1 - Bacopa

2 - Dwarf

3 - Lemon

4 - Betta

5 - Papyrus

6 - Canna

7 - Taro

8 - Palm

9 - Bluebell

10 - Aquatic

11 - Rush

12 - Poppy

13 - Goldstrike

14 - Arum

15 - Pickerel

16 - Garlic

17 - Tomocik

18 - Iris

19 - Colorado

20 - Lily

21 - Ubol

22 - Sedge

23 - Salmon

24 - Mangkala

25 - Hollandia

26 - Fabiola

27 - Peach

28 - Albatros

29 - Sunny

30 - Mexicana

31 - Cream


1 - Can breathe underwater, no venom

2 - Prince / Princess

3 - Can't breathe underwater, venom

4 - Lives in Rainforest

5 - Lives in Bay of a Thousand Scales

6 - Animus

7 - Lives in Possibility

8 - Can change scale colors

9 - King / Queen

10 - Guard

11 - Border control

12 - Gardener

Bacopa, Can't breathe underwater, venom

-10/8/18 (edited 7/28/22)

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