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jimin stood by his closed door, in shock of what he heard. 

'did he really think I was cute?'

he hates to admit but he finds the other male captivating, his slender figure, his raven black hair, his soft pink lips parted in shock. jimin may have seen him for just a second, but he sure can capture more details than a camera.

his thoughts now are racing through his mind, wanting to know more about the male so eagerly, but not having the guts to do so. no one in his life had made him feel this way, he'd never been so drawn to a stranger. something about this man made him feel, tingly. he knew he was homosexual. but never had a boyfriend. 

trying to think of ways he could communicate with the new neighbour, he decided to make a cake he learnt from a previous cooking class. 

taking the ingredients out, he planned what would he write and say to deliver the cake to the other boy. without realising how time flies, jimin was finished in what felt like a minute. the cake was now cooling on the counter and he was making the icing. 

putting an insanely amount of powdered sugar not the bowl, jimin hopes that he wouldn't mess the cake up if he had written 'welcome to your new home'. 

'will he like it? what if he doesn't like sweets? what if he think im creepy? will he stay forever or is he just here for a vacation? will I meet him or his obnoxious friend? what if he hates me? this is a bad idea right? wait fuck it. but what if-'

jimin kept asking himself questions paranoid but was interrupted by a knock on the door. again.

'oh no is it him? the cakes not even done!' he mentally cursed

running to the door, he looked through the peephole to see the same man on the other side. he hesitated to open the door, not wanting to ruin the surprise but wanting to at the same time because he was eager to see the male, to capture his ethereal features. 

taking a deep breath in, jimin opened the door.

"hey there, um, sorry I knocked on your door just now, I just wanted to say sorry and introduce myself," he said with a soft smile. "my names Min Yoongi, I'm 22 and I'm your new neighbour." reaching his hand out 

jimin didn't expect the introduction to finish so fast, so he internally panicked and quickly planned what to say in his head while shaking his hand. "h-hi, I'm p-pa-park jimin, 20 ye-years old." he was actually proud of himself. 

"do you mind me asking if you have Tourettes?" Yoongi asked. jimin shook his head. "oh then why do you have a stutter?" he further asked. 

'oh god' jimin thought.

"u-um, I'm just n-not used to t-talking to p-people." 

"oh okay, I'm sorry for asking, thank you new neighbour." just like that a smiling yoongi left. leaving a jimin, face flushed crimson red and eyes round and doe. 

he quickly closed the door, running back to the kitchen to finish the cake as soon as possible. finally slapping on the icing on the cake and using the leftover mixed with some food colouring to write 'welcome to your new home neighbour!' he grabbed the cake and knocked on the door. 

no response. 

knock again. 

no response 

'maybe just knock one last ti-'

"jimin! hey!" a voice called from down the hall.

jimin stood there, not knowing what to say as the two came his direction. 

"sorry, we went out for some fresh air- is that cake for us?"

jimin noded and held the cake out further towards yoongi. 

"oh thanks man, you didn't have to."

"i-its okay, yoongi."

"call me hyung" 


"wanna come in? we can eat the cake together." jimin has had enough of interacting with him for today so he shook his head, and went in his apartment after waving goodbye.


"yoooo, thats some nice cake." hoseok exclaimed after taking a bite. "that kid sure knows how to bake. he's a keeper" yoongi just scoffed. 

why did the boy make his heart flutter? only god knows.

"are you gonna eat the rest of your slice?" hoseok asked. yoongi nodded and took the slice to his room where he had already unpacked his stuff. 

placing the cake on his nightstand, he crawled to bed and went on his phone. he isn't much of a sweet tooth but he didn't want the cake to be thrown away. 

lets dive into yoongi past shall we? 

he's had a normal life. loving parents, his family is financially stable, his brother alive and well, no mental illnesses currently, done somewhat okay in school to get him into a college and further his dream. music. he wouldn't be him if it wasn't for music. he wouldn't have had a job. he's a producer in daegu but their company eventually fired yoongi. he tried his best to keep his job but it seemed like his boss didn't want to keep him further. he stopped producing tracks that met the deadline. 

in 2016, he was well known around his area in daegu for producing beats and helping artists write songs but one day, he crashed, not physically, but one day he stopped producing. he couldn't make any tracks and songs he was happy with, constantly throwing away papers of lyrics, deleting files of unwanted music. he stopped. he was devastated. his boss called him up and broke the news to him. 

he was broken, staying in his rental apartment day and night, not eating, constantly frustrated, staying up late, only sleeping for an hour a day and almost fainted but thankfully his brother went to visit him. after taking him to the hospital, yoongi was diagnosed with Unipolar depression. he didn't want to be depressed, he really wanted to be happy again. so he went through countless treatments and therapies to help him get through it. 

he's happy where he is now, of course his depression doesn't fully go away but he's happy with it. he has his ups and downs and those ups and downs are what makes him, him

now yoongi lives in a shared apartment with jung hoseok, his best friend. he plans to hopefully produce and write more music for artists and maybe even teach classes if possible. at first, yoongis parents were hesitant to let their son pursue music after generations of working as a carpenter. but seeing his talent improving as the days went on and yoongi begging to let him be a producer, they supported him.

pulling his phone out of his pocket, he decided it wouldn't hurt to maybe look the boy up on Facebook. typing in his name, he comes across a profile with his face on it. 

Park Jimin 

Moves Dance Academy sign up link : www.http/

there was nothing else than a link in his profile. 

'he owns a dance academy?'

without realising he accidentally clicked on the link, sending him to an auto sign up website. 


these beginning chapters are gonna be like 1000 words since they're an introduction on yoongi and jimins lives and tRUST ME THINGS WILL MOVE QUICKER IM SORRY ILY PLS VOTE AND COMMENT YOUR OPINIONS ILY BYE BYE ~ (also no proofread so if you see typos, leave it)

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