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"d-daddy?" jimin spurted out.

"w-what?" yoongi and hoseok's eye lit up dramatically. "hoseok get out." yoongi instructed. hoping to have some alone time with the boy to sort things out. hoseok ran out and even shut the door for them.

"jimin, why were you crying?"

"I-i had, flashbacks daddy, s-scawy (scary) flashbacks, minnie d-doesn't like flashbacks l-like that." jimin said, as he toyed with yoongi's jacket. 

"jimin, can you answer these questions? one, why'd you call me daddy, two, why do you behave like this? I dont mean to offend you, I'm just curious so I can help." yoongi asks, sure to keep his voice low and soft so he doesn't startle jimin. 

"I-i'm a little...I need a daddy to take care of minnie." jimin answered, looking down. he's embarrassed since he's never told anyone of his little side. 

"a little?" jimin nodded. "anyways, do you want water jimin? I can get you water.

"yes pwease daddy." jimin smiles. yoongis heart melts but jumps when he hears 'daddy'

leaving the room, he takes deep breaths. 'whats a little?'

"hyung, you good? you look like you just had a quickie in there, you're sweating." hoseok joked around, hoping to brighten up the atmosphere. 

"hoseok, do you know whats a little?" yoongi asks, hoping to get answers as soon as possible. 

"I have a friend who's boyfriend is a little." hoseok said. 

"can I meet him?" yoongi asked. "can we bring jimin there?"

"um, I'll have to see since he's pretty busy, he's been scouted a lot by modelling agencies." hoseok dials his phone. "yah, taehyung-ah, can my friend meet you and jeongguk? he has questions about littles." a pause. "oh okay thanks, we'll be there in like 10 minutes." hoseok stuffs his phone in his pocket. "lets go." 

"oh wait i need to get jimin some water and hopefully convince him to come with us." yoongi rushes to the kitchen and grabs the water bottle. slowly opening the door, he peeks around to see jimin looking at his laptop.

"jimin? we're going out to see a friend, he' with you too." yoongi tries to sound as motherly as possible but all he gets is a head shake. "jimin please, I can't leave you here like this." yoongi begs.

"I dont like people." yoongi notices how jimin doesn't stutter as much now, its probably due to the fact that he's used to yoongi. and its been a day. great. 

"but-" quickly thinking and acting along just to get jimin to come. "but please baby, daddy will give you candy." yoongi was secretly liking the pet names but that isn't the point right now.

"candy?" jimins eyes widened. "yes! I'll come! I want candy!" jimin jumped off of the seat and went to yoongi. 

bringing a small packet of hard candy, jimin, yoongi and hoseok got into hoseoks car and drove off. 

jimin and yoongi were in the backseat and jimin was mesmerised by the bright blue sky littered with clouds. yoongi couldn't help but stare at jimin, he looked so cute with the hard candy stuck in his cheeks and his wide Bambi eyes as they stared out to the sky. he smiled softly when he noticed jimin let out a sound. 

"Oo! daddy look the b-birds are flying in the sky!" yoongi tries to hide his smile as jimin continues to stare.

"okay get out of the car, were here." hoseoks voice startled jimin and he jumped up. "theres tae."

"come on jimin." yoongi steps out of the car and guides jimin out. 

"daddy, can you carry me?" Jimin pouted at yoongi. to say no, yoongi would consider a sin.

"okay." yoongi squatted down and let jimin climb onto his back, giving him a piggy back ride to taehyungs small house. making their way into the house, they greeted taehyung and jeongguk who was already in little space.

"so why'd you guys wanted to come?" tae asked, yoongi had jimin sit on the sofa and yoongi could tell jimin was riddled with anxiety. his eyes darted to every direction of the house and he kept fiddling with hid shaky hands. 

"yoongi has some questions." hoseok replied as he pointed to the older. 

"um,  can we talk somewhere else alone?" yoongi asked, feeling unsafe talking about this in front of jimin. he felt a tug at his jacket. "yes jimin?"

"is daddy l-leaving me?" jimin asked. "p-please don't le-leave minnie a-alone with strangers." jimin begged, tears welling up in his eyes.

after agreeing to let jimin tag along, taehyung called jeongguk to try and play with jimin but all jimin did was flinch. he would freak out when jeongguk tried to touch him and would stay in a quiet corner with one of jeongguks stuffed animals. 

"whats a little?" yoongi asked, hoping to get answers right away.

"woah okay, um, littles are basically normal people but they have a mind space of someone younger. they can transition from their big space which is their normal self into their little space. usually they act and behave carefree and are very needy; well at least for me. they will take their significant other as a caregiver and you're then responsible for attending to their needs in little space." taehyung explained without a single hesitation tone in his voice.

yoongi didn't know there was such thing. "u-um, does your little get super anxious around people like jimin?" 

"no, he's very calm. he's playful and very friendly." taehyung glances over at jeongguk. "can I call you hyung?" tae asks, earning a nod from yoongi. "hyung, are you dating jimin?" 


"then why does he call you daddy?" 

"I don't know, he just did." 

"do you like jimin? cause, it seems like he likes you." 

"I-i don't know, I think not, I mean, he's just a friend." 'is he?' yoongi asked

"well then I don't know, maybe jimin is just an anxiety riddled person, I think you should watch over him since you never know if he'll turn little and need attention." taehyung suggest, yoongi paid the most attention he's ever paid in 3 years, listening to every detail.

"oh, okay, I'll think of a way, thanks taehyung." yoongi got up with all the information in his head, ready to come up with a plan to help jimin. "jimin, lets go." he held jimins soft, tender hands in his and guided him out. 


jimin was now in yoongis bed taking a nap while yoongi was outside with hoseok coming up with a plan to help jimin.

"okay, what if I stay at his house? wait no, that'll creep him out. what if I go like check on in the morning and night, wait he could slip into little space in the afternoon, what if-" yoongi was interrupted by hoseok. 

"hyung! you could just tell him to call you when he's feeling little." hoseok suggested, having enough of yoongis rambling. yoongi looked at hoseok in wonder.

"oh yeah, good idea." yoongi heard a thud from his room and thought jimin had woken up. stepping into the room, he sees jimin sitting up on his bed.

"oh hey, you awake jimin? do you want water and candy?" yoongi asked jimin.

"where am I?" 

daddy's baby // yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now