The blond was smiling at her. A smile that indicated that she remembered her that day, at The Era.
Jennie have not yet recovered from herself. She was still gaping in shock. And the fact that she knew she was gaping and she knew she probably looked like an idiot right now made her feel stupid. But she just couldn't move. Here of all places! Tonight of all nights! The blond! Those big, round eyes that kept haunting her. What. A. Night!
"Annyeong!" Lisa said brightly, slightly tipping her head for a nod.
"So, you two know each other, then?" the bartender asked, shifting her eyes from Lisa to Jennie, and back and forth.
They both answered at the same time, and with the same decibels, but in different tones. Lisa sounded excited. Jennie sounded frightened.
Chahee looked at Lisa with a raised brow, probably asking for an explanation. Her expression was funny. She was smirking.
Lisa, in return, looked at Jennie with an accusing eyes. And a raised brow, like Chahee. But her expression was anything but funny. She looked offended by Jennie's denial. Gone was the bright smile plastered on her face.
"Lisa-ya?" Chahee said, she was still looking at Lisa with a funny expression. Her eyes would avert from Lisa to Jennie, who was now sitting rigidly on her seat, clutching the Chanel jacket on her chest, looking away from Lisa. Her eyes were fidgety and looking as though she's calculating the probability of dashing towards the exit without tripping herself in front of the crowd.
"I mean, no," Lisa said after a while, in a morose manner. "No, we don't know each other, Chahee-ssi." She could hear the deflated tone in her own voice. She looked at Jennie as if she was daring Jennie to refute what she just said.
But Jennie just looked straight ahead. She was staring at a bit of a vodka bottle in the shelf, to the side of Chahee's left ear. Her eyes behind her spectacles were emotionless, like she was in a trance or something. And just when Lisa was about to decide whether she'll introduce herself to the woman sitting next to her and remind her about that day, who, by the way, was the reason why she was a bit slacking off from photography lately, Jennie decided to make a run for the exit. That was after she hastily pulled more than a few bills from her purse and rather clumsily put it at the countertop, beside her empty glass of daiquiri, much to Chahee's surprise. Both Chahee and Lisa were watching her dashing and made a beeline for the exit door, bumping not just one but four people, a waiter included, who was carrying a tray full of empty bottles, and almost tripped on one of the tables.
"Uhm..." was the only thing that Lisa could utter at the moment.
"Uh..." muttered Chahee also. She was staring at Jennie's wake with a bewildered expression.
"What just happened? Did I do something wrong?" Lisa asked Chahee, who looked as clueless as Lisa.
Chahee shrugged and shook her head in bewilderment.
"Wow! I didn't realize my daiquiri could drive someone like that!" the hot bartender said.
Lisa suddenly jumped from her seat, to Chahee's surprise.
"I need to talk to her, Chahee-ssi!" she said, which made Chahee looked even more shocked than ever.
"But I thought you said you don't know her?" the bartender asked, now looking confuse.
"I know I did. It''s a long story!" Lisa replied, who was now running towards the exit, following Jennie's wake.
"But...but!" Chahee stuttered. "Ya! Lalisa! What will I tell Chaeng if she'll look for you later?"

You Got Me (JenLisa)
Fanfiction"And the third reason?" Lisa asked as she rested her hands on Jennie's hips. Jennie laughed, her shoulders were shaking. The sound of it echoed across Lisa's place, making the two cats on the top of the stairs stirred and craned their necks to get a...