People who didn't know her, or probably knew her but not on the same level as Chaeyoung or the rest of the girls in Chaeyoung's bar, would automatically catalog her to be three things: goofy yet laid-back, mischievous and impulsive. The last one being being the strongest among the three.
Which were all true, if Lisa should be ask. But what those people didn't know was that she loved the sense of commitment. She would commit herself to something (or someone) and would dedicate all of her until she would get the result that she was aiming for and would only stop when she knew that she had finally reached the bar that she had set for herself or give up trying. The latter being unlikely to happen, ever, because Lisa's desire for fulfillment for anything and everything she would set her eyes into was insatiable.
Of course, except the piano lesson that she enrolled herself into to accompany a shy Chaeyoung when they were kids and the culinary lessons and all the other adult-ish lessons her parents had ask her to partake. And after all the efforts she had exerted to at least fulfill something and pleased her parents, who by the way were never really obsessing about bestowing what they knew and what they'd hoped to instill in her. She then had turned her full attention to religiously attending her classes and accidentally stumbled and eventually immersed herself in photography.
It was pretty much non-special, the first time she held a camera and took interest in it. She had volunteered to help de-clutter their attic one boring day and saw a vintage camera inside a glass shelf. It was her grandfather's, she was told after she took it out and brought it downstairs and asked if she could bring it to a shop to see if it was still working. An old guy from the camera shop was over-enthusiastic to hold a 1960's Uniomat in his hand had worked his magic on it. Polished and clean it for Lisa. Suggested what film to use and how to use it in general. But it wasn't until she went to a gallery one day that she discovered her passion for photography.
And that was the dream that had been burning inside her since then. To open a gallery one day, someday, that would feature her own works for people to see. Not because she wanted to receive accolades or anything. She just wanted to show how the world looked through her lens. She wanted to tell a story. Of course, chasing her magnum opus was another thing. She'd get there someday. The gallery and the magnum opus.
Those were the thoughts dancing inside Lisa's head when she arrived in front of her studio. With a mixture of strawberry scents and expensive Chanel perfume and burnt pancakes. And kisses. Most definitely kisses and the sensation in her belly that she would feel everytime her mind would wander unto the intimacy that she and Jennie had shared the last time they were together.
She missed Jennie and her gummy smile. She missed being with Jennie. And seeing Jisoo today on Chaeng’s bar was an add-on to her long list of why she missed Jennie. It was frustrating on her part.
"Hey, Boss!" Bobby, her assistant greeted her as soon she pushed the door open and admit herself into the premise of her studio.
Lisa scowled. The way how Bobby prolonged the 's' like a hissing gaspipe would never failed to get under her skin.
"I think we had already settled not to call me that," she told Bobby and placed her tumbler of choco milk and the box that contained the photo paper she bought in front of Bobby so she could wiggle herself out from the jacket that she was wearing.
Bobby laughed at the sight of her and shrugged. Those big, barky laughs he would make like he just heard the funniest joke in his lifetime.
"L-i-s-a, then," he said and offered a flirty wink.
Lisa paused. The jacket was still halfway from peeling off her body and was wrapped awkwardly around her midsection. She took her time to roll her eyes in exaggeration towards the back of her skull, to emphasized how she was not impressed with Bobby's wink. And that loopsided, schoolboyish smile he was showering her.

You Got Me (JenLisa)
Fanfiction"And the third reason?" Lisa asked as she rested her hands on Jennie's hips. Jennie laughed, her shoulders were shaking. The sound of it echoed across Lisa's place, making the two cats on the top of the stairs stirred and craned their necks to get a...