Chapter 55

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She walked in with her head held high but only because she didn’t want to look anyone in the eyes. Her heels were clacking against the floor and not that it was loud but it was enough to get the attention of the people on the ground floor. That, and the glitter of her dress. She was a bright contrast against the sea of dark suits of Jennie’s work force. Chaeng didn’t mind at first. Until someone, a short woman with a glum expression and cold eyes behind thick glasses, scanned her from head to toe with a look that said “You don’t belong here!”

Alice had probably foreseen all of it, Chaeng admitted to herself, when she finally had a full view of the intimidating display of power that the colossal executive building of the Kim Group. Because although she had been friends with Lisa for years now, she couldn’t help but feel a little subdued and a little out of place because everything inside Jennie’s empire seemed new to her. It wasn’t even like she wasn’t used to the extravagant display of wealth and power but Jennie’s domain was overwhelming.

From the cold granite floor and up to the plethora of beams and pillars that seemed to hold the dominance of the Kims on high pedestals and the endless array of bars and glasses used that seemed to cover the entire building and down to her employees clad in dark suits, stiff manner and glum expressions on their faces, with their brows knotted on their foreheads and lips sealed tightly like they were made to sworn to secrecy, everything looked cold. She hadn’t seen a friendly face, except the receptionist who accommodated her nicely, which was part of her job, of course, even when she was told repeatedly that “President Kim is busy at the moment.”

Everything inside the building was screaming supremacy – as it should, of course. The mood inside the Jennie’s empire was nothing like what Alice and their dad and the rest of the staff at PARK & PARK’S were indulged at the firm, despite the number of times she complained about trivial stuff in the firm during her random and seldom visits. Which most of the time would only fall to deaf ears, anyway, because she wasn’t technically part of the firm and her dad would subtly remind her that she sold her shares long ago.

But if she’d have to be honest, though. Chaeyoung Park was actually fighting off second thoughts about realizing her objective at the moment. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that the receptionist had already rang Jennie’s office, announcing her presence and her desire of seeking Jennie’s audience despite not having an appointment and despite being told that Jennie was busy and might not see anyone inside her office today, she might have turned around and walked away already. Far, far away from this mammoth of a building in Jongno district.

She would’ve gone straight to her apartment and walked straight to her bedroom. She would’ve freed herself already from this platinum dress she chose to wear today of all days, which somewhat made her feel like she was some fish taken out from the water. The tightness of the fabric around her throat was suffocating. The thought reminded her of Joohwangie. She suddenly missed her fish. She should’ve brought with her a backup, a sudden realization came to her. Chahee or A-yeon. Or anyone.

“Can I go up now or do I have to wait for someone to come and take me to Jen — I mean, President Kim’s office?” Chaeng asked the receptionist nicely despite her patience wearing thin. The heels of her boots were killing her and the unnecessary glares thrown at her occasionally by the passing employees who were unabashedly eyeing her silvery dress as though it was offending them, were starting to annoy her. Plus, she had been asked to wait longer than she aimed to.

“Someone will come and take you to the President’s office, Miss Park. In fact, they’re here, ma’am,” the receptionist said amicably, with a smile plastered on her pearly face. The woman nodded towards the coming group of men in dark suits walking briskly towards them. One of them, the leader of the small pack, looked familiar.

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