Chapter 21

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"Come on in," Lisa told Jennie after she pushed the door open, revealing to Jennie her abode. "Feel at home."

"Thank you," Jennie said and took off her boots in exchange for a comfy home slippers that Lisa offered.

The first thing that caught Jennie's eyes when she finally stepped inside Lisa's living room was the huge couch in front of the large TV set. It looked old but grand. Behind it were two big sash windows with big white curtains draping majestically from the ceiling to the floor. There was also a colorful puffer ottoman between the sofa and the TV set and a soft-looking polyester carpet was spread beneath it. And directly above the ottoman was a small old Victorian chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.

The walls were made of bricks and concrete, painted with the shade of whites and deep reds. The floor was covered with polished wooden floorboards and printed canvass of Lisa's monochromatic photography of different sizes were hung in the walls, strategically apart from one another.

A winding staircase made of brass and painted in black stood in the middle of the floor area, leading to the loft where Lisa's bedroom and mini-library were located. And there, in the middle of the staircase was a grown-up cat. Sitting in one of the treads and looking at Jennie with wide eyes and curious look.

"Leo!" Lisa said excitedly in a rather high-pitched voice that earned her a funny look from Jennie, when she spotted the white and gray feline and quickly sprinted towards the staircase in long strides.

The cat was about to run for his life to get away from Lisa as quickly as possible. He was clearly not as excited as Lisa was. But Lisa, with her long strides and long arms, was able to sweep the cat first before the cat could run away from her.

The cat was acting all stiff and pulling his face away while being held captive by Lisa's tight embrace and too much kissing. Leo clearly looked unhappy that he was imprisoned inside Lisa's arms. Lisa, meanwhile, was looking giddy and excited to snuggle the uncooperative cat.

"Leo, meet Jennie. Jennie, this is my Leo," Lisa said while keeping her hold of the fat cat on her grasp and held Leo's front paw and waved it to Jennie. "Hello, Jennie! I'm Leo!" Lisa said in a small, meowing voice.

Jennie laughed at Lisa's childish antic and swoon over Leo's overall being. "He's so cute!" Jennie cooed and stared at Leo endearingly, who was staring back at her with pleading eyes. As if asking Jennie to help him get away from Lisa's embrace. "Can I hold him?" Jennie asked.

"Sure," Lisa answered and nodded. "But be careful, though. Leo doesn't like to be snuggled, as you can see. He still hates it when I carry him in my arms like this," Lisa said knowingly, while handing her pet cat over to Jennie. "He might scratch you, since you're practically a stranger to him and..."

Lisa's voice was drowned when Leo purred excitedly and a little too loudly. He curled and snuggled comfortably as soon as he was inside Jennie's arms. Lisa was gaping in disbelief, looking hurt and feeling betrayed.

"Yes, Lisa? What were you saying?" Jennie sniggered when saw the look on Lisa's face and played her fingers on top of Leo's head.

Leo purred even more loudly, indicating that he liked what Jennie was doing to him. Which made Lisa scoff louder than Leo's purring.

"What a traitor. He never do that with me," Lisa said acrimonously, shaking her head in total disbelief

"Well, looks like Leo has finally found his real mommy now," Jennie said happily. "Isn't that right, Leo, my love?" she purred and touched her nose on Leo's nose, and earned another purr from Leo.

"Whatever. I still have Luca, anyway," Lisa said bitterly, still staring at Leo, who was now sleeping inside Jennie's arms. "You heard that, Leo? I'll have Luca," Lisa said childishly with a pout.

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