Chapter 10

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Chaeyoung had been listening to the same song from her phone's playlist for the last hour and had been playing it on the ebony and ivory keys of Jin-ah's vintage 1906 Lester upright piano. 

The Orange usually closed at 2 AM, especially during the weekends. The Orange was still reeking of booze, nicotine and the Friday night vibes. And it was unusual for Park Chaeyoung to stay behind when all her crews, her band mates and the usual crowd that would troop in the Orange have all gone home or hop into another bar for another set of reasons to get wasted.

Last night had been a blast. They--her bandmates and her-- have played in front of a jam-packed Orange, singing their songs--some were their own, others were covers of their favorite songs--live. It was one of those moments when Chaeyoung would feel alive and complete. She was on her best elements when she's on stage with her music. And last night was extra special because Lisa was around. It had been a while since Lisa have watched her perform live. It was a rare occassion eversince Lisa have pursued her passion in photography and would usually travel abroad. And it was big deal for Chaeyoung. So big a deal that she pulled all the strings available to make it seamless.

Her bandmates were even teasing her about it, after she kicked Lisa out from the backstage last night. Because they knew that she was overly compulsive about wanting to impress Lisa. And because Lisa had found an alliance with her childish antics with Ji-in and both were teasing her so hard they drove Chaeyoung crazy. Lisa could be a pain in her ass sometimes.

"Ah, now we know why Chaeng is so excited for this night. Her Lalisa is here. Finally!" said Ji-in, their band's bassist and a certified hottie, with her short brown hair and side bangs.

"She's always said that she wants this night to be perfect, didn't she, Ji-in? Now we get it. Lisa's damn hot! Did y'all see how the uni boys are literally salivating at her?" Jin-ah, their keyboardist slash pianist, chimed in. Jin-ah was more reserved than Ji-in, having played the classical piano for competitions almost all her teenage life. But she was not able to contain herself from admiring Lisa's pultrichude. Jin-ah had a long, wavy hair which she would flip and whip whenever she's hyped with the music.

"Ya! Stop it, both of you!" Chaeyoung told her two hot band members. "If Lisa hears about you teasing me about her, it will only make her feel awkward."

"But what if she won't? What if Lisa feels the same way, too? Don't you ever want to know, Chaeyoung-ssi?" asked A-yeon, their drummer and a social media star. A-yeon released her video of her drums cover for Guns N' Roses' Welcome To The Jungle, wearing a lingerie. But A-yeon stayed lowkey after all the ruckus and chose to stick with Chaeyoung and their band instead of going bigtime.

"Lisa is a free soul, A-yeon-ssi. I don't want to compromise her into believing that she feels the same way that I do, just because I do," Chaeyoung answered.

She loved the fact that she knew Lisa through and through, like an open book. Because Lisa, no matter how carefree, spirited and congenial that woman is to other people, was never an open book to everyone. Only to Chaeyoung. It was a privilege that only Chaeyoung was given and enjoying.

"But what about you, Chaeng?" asked Ji-in.

"It's enough for me that she's here tonight. I just hope she'll stay until the end of the set. Lisa can be restless and impatient, you know?" Chaeyoung answered with a smile painted on her beautiful face.

But Lisa never stayed for the end of the set. Chaeyoung saw her walking out in a hurry of the Orange last night. And she, Chaeyoung, haven't heard anything from Lisa since then. Because Lisa left her camera bag, with her camera and cellphone in it, to Chahee.

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