dreaming of a wedding

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The drive home was simple. We didn't talk, Harry stared at the road, his hands clutched tight to the steering wheel. I stared out the window and occasionally checked to see if he was looking at me. Some part of me wished he was.

I watched as the gas station flew by and so did some small houses that weren't on the best side of town.

I leaned my head on the window and squeezed my eyes shut. My face didn't hurt anymore and the Doctors had said that the cut wasn't deep enough to cause any damage or a large scar. For now, I'd have to cover it up with makeup. Trent would probably like it that way anyways.

I knew Harry was upset that I'd lied. It was hard lying to your own neighbor about what was going inside your apartment when they could very well hear it from theirs.

Harry didn't have a right to be mad. It wasn't any of his business. I could lie if I wanted to and he couldn't stop me. Even if he cared as much as he did. I lived my own life and he lived his own.

My thoughts pushed me to drift off into sleep. The noise of the car drifted away as my dream rushed to my mind. I tried to push my thoughts away, to keep the negativity out of my mind and to have a good dream. But the only thoughts that came instead were of Harry.

"I don't like to dance." I shook my head and Harry tried pulling me out into the dance floor. I giggled and playfully pushed him

"Please?" He pulled his bottom lip out into a pout and I rolled my eyes before grabbing ahold of his hands and dancing towards the dance floor.

"Any song requests?" My sister had hired our cousin Max to DJ at at the party, he was one of those teenagers that had a dream of being a DJ. He wasn't good, but Amara felt bad so she hired him just to play music and speak into the microphone every so often.

"I'll be back." I felt Harry's hot breath on my ear and then it disappeared as he left towards the booth. I watched as Max nodded and typed something on his keyboard.

*play The Chain now!*

"I remember you wearing that Fleetwood Mack t-shirt when we first met. So I'm going to play one of my favorite songs by them,"

"Just dance like no ones watching."

The Chain began to play and Harry danced around like the crazy person he was. I warmed up to the idea of crazy dancing like we were alone. I swayed my hips and Harry smiled, "you've got it Mar!" a smile tugged at my lips as well.

A warm and fuzzy feeling crept into my heart. It felt like it was meant to be. Harry and I.

If only I had the strength to break away from Trent.

*Delicate - Taylor Swift - Reputation*

"Mara, wake up. We're home." I checked to see if I was drooling before I hopped out of the car. The same warm fuzzy feeling rested in my heart and stomach as we entered the building together.

I thought about how Harry's eyes were the most beautiful shade of green and how his hair was always a mess but he looked so good with it that I couldn't imagine it straight and proper.

I bit my lip as we passed the stairs, memories flooded back and I shivered them off. Harry knew that I wasn't ready to get back on those stairs, so he pressed the button for the elevator waiting for the ding to break our thoughts.

And it finally did. Harry didn't even look at me as he entered the elevator. I didn't understand why. He wasn't the one getting hurt. It wasn't his business. Why did he care so much? Why did he even care at all?

I tapped the '2' button and waited. As a child, I had always been scared of elevators. Did anyone even survive elevator malfunctions? But my dad had dragged me into one and even though it hadn't been as bad as I'd imagined, I had still cried until we got back home.

Harry stepped out of the elevator first and I took in the scent of a freshly cleaned carpet and a bit of the small-town air from an open window closest to Harry's apartment.

"Hey, Harry?" He turned on his heel and awaited what I wanted. I felt like he was relieved that I'd said something before we parted ways. I was relieved too.

"My sister's wedding is in four days. Will you go with me?" I couldn't hold down the smile appearing on my face. I really wanted something like the dream to happen. I wanted to be happy and I couldn't be going to the wedding by myself.

"Sure! I'll get a tux and—what time is it at?" It was like he'd blurted it out without thinking about it, he was so eager to accept my offer that it surprised me

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"Sure! I'll get a tux and—what time is it at?" It was like he'd blurted it out without thinking about it, he was so eager to accept my offer that it surprised me.

"Eleven. I'll come to your apartment then." He nodded and we exchanged smiles before snapping out of it and turning away from each other.

While Harry entered his apartment just fine, my hand was barely an inch away from the doorknob, regret-filled my mind and my heart. I couldn't go in there. I wasn't ready. I pressed my back against the door and slid down, holding my face in my trembling hands. I tried to push the tears back. I was scared. No, I was terrified. I wasn't strong enough to open this door. I was barely even strong enough to place my hand on the doorknob.

I didn't have the least bit of strength in me.

But you couldn't blame me, could you?


American hotline for domestic abuse:1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

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Hello readers! Thank you for reading and voting on this story! I'm so eager to write the super important plot-twisting chapters, but I have to write the minor details and filler-chapters so bear with me!

Also, I really want to add more gifs, but Naomi Scott has cut her hair and the majority of the gifs including her crying or looking sad are with her short hair and I want it to be long in this.

I may have her cut her hair at some point in this story but I'm not sure! You guys tell me if that would be good or not.

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! I'll see you next time :)


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