the end

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Three days later

I swear I have gained a tan in the past couple of days. And I've probably gained a few pounds from the ice cream that I've been eating. Trent didn't like ice cream or anything really sugary for that matter, so it was nice to do something as simple as eating ice cream for yourself.

I sit on the beach under an umbrella that I purchased from one of the hundreds of beach shops here. My sunglasses are yet again, perched on the tip of my nose and continue to slip down no matter how many times I push them up.

I sit near the edge of the water so that the waves crashing against the shore can send a small breeze and splash my way. I want to feel the ocean and the breeze on my legs and I want them to clear my mind completely.

I watch the couples sit on the beach together, most sleeping under their umbrellas on the sand and some reading books together. It used to make me sad, but it just makes me happy now. Three days makes a hell of a difference.

I crinkle my nose when the sun peeks out of a small cloud and beams down on my face. I let the rays warm my body and lighten the natural highlights in my hair.

Sand spills onto my towel as someone approaches me. I brush it off, looking up at the person standing beside me. They wear a dark blue Hawaiian-themed shirt and white shorts.

"Excuse me miss, but you seem to have forgotten this." He holds out my phone towards me. I tug it out of his grasp and drop it beside me, I take his open hand.

"I know I'm probably going to come out sounding like a hypocrite, but fuck what I said about not wanting to settle down and all, it's been taking me a lot these past few months to not tell you that I'm in love with you."

"So in love." His voice hushes down to a whisper tone and it cracks mid-sentence.

"I drove all the way here to find you—I called your sister and she said that you were here."

I give him an ear-to-ear smile.
"Well, Harry, you're lucky that I can settle for a cat person."


American hotline for domestic abuse:1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Website link for more information and numbers:

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Hi again!

Thank you all so much for reading or re-reading this story! I'm sure some of you would have preferred the old ending or like it better if you've already read it before, but there needed to be one last thing that send her over the edge to get up and leave. I felt like this ending was better for her.

Thank you for your constant support! I hope you enjoyed, make sure to tell me if you did! I love hearing from y'all!

xx Brisa

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