a note-minus the biscuits

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One day until the wedding
Marielle's POV

"I'm excited for the wedding baby! We'll dance all night!" Trent said, jumping up to give me a peck on the cheek. I wasn't used to this affection. I didn't want it to end, but I knew it would once I told him that he wasn't allowed to go.

"Trent, I'd love you to go. But Amara said you um..you can't go." His face dropped to the floor and he took a step back.

"You aren't going then." Trent's face hardened. He had stepped the boundaries. He wasn't allowed to do that. Amara was my sister! She was only getting married once.

"No. You can ban me from anything else! But you cannot tell me that I can't go to my own sister's wedding. I'm going alone, I won't drink and I'll be home late. But don't worry, I won't cheat on you because you know I love you."
At this point, I was practically begging on my knees for a beating. But Trent softened and sighed, he pulled me into a hug that I never thought he would be giving me.

"You're going alone." He squeezed hard to the point where I couldn't breathe for a moment. I nodded into his chest. Oh boy.


Tomorrow was the wedding and my dress had come in about an hour or so ago. I was careful not to ruin it, I made sure it wasn't wrinkled and hung it in the closet to make sure Trent didn't ruin it. I was going to pin part of my hair up into a bun and leave the rest down, I'd add a flower or two in it and my makeup would just be neutral because I wasn't a fan of caking it on my face.

My cut was still visible, but a tad of foundation and concealer would cover it up for sure.

"Babe! Let's eat!" Trent called from the kitchen. Don't be mistaken, it was what I'd cooked.

"Okay!" I hurried to the kitchen and helped myself to a serving of the quinoa and peas. It was an amateur meal, but as long as it wasn't too dry it would be okay. I pondered how I was supposed to sneak out with Harry and I realized that we'd have to be extra sneaky in order to get past Trent's paranoia. He'd be watching through the window for sure.

I shoveled some quinoa into my mouth while Trent slowly took bites of it while reading the newspaper. I felt like a housewife in the 50's and 60's—minus the children running around.

"How was your day? Was the car okay?" He looked up from his newspaper and then set it down beside his bowl.

"Yeah. Just a small accident on the highway, the closest shop was ours. That's how we get all of our business, really." I nodded along, we hadn't had a good conversation like this in a long time. Every nice moment we spent together made me fall in love with him even more.

"Did you see Harry on your way out?"

Risky question, Marielle.

"Oh, no. Probably in his apartment eating crumpets and drinking some tea." He chuckled to himself and took another bite of his food.

That wasn't very funny.

I scooped the last of the food into my mouth and gulped it down, placing my bowl in the sink and washing it.

"Did that prick try to seduce you on the car ride home? Did he try to get you to break up with me? Did he come into you?" Trent bombarded me with the questions like he was shooting at me a million times with a gun.

"No! He isn't like that. He minds his own business. We didn't talk."

"Ha! He's too prim and proper too."
His jokes were getting on my nerves but I sighed it off and scrubbed his dishes to get my anger out.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight babe. See you tomorrow morning!"

Trent had a day off tomorrow and he was probably going to spend it waiting for me to leave and making sure Harry did come with me. He was going to watch my every move until I drove out of the town.

When Trent went to bed, I scribbled a message out on a pad of paper and ripped it off. I stuffed it in my back pocket and slowly unlocked the locks on the doors and opened it, careful to not make it creak.

I tiptoed to Harry's door and pulled the bite out of my pocket. I thought the rustling paper may grab Trent's attention. I slipped the note under the door and quickly tiptoed back, revering the routine.

I headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed, I had an early morning. And it was going to be a good one.


Dear Harry,

It's your neighbor, Mara! Please meet me around the back of the building, don't ask why. Just, please.

Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow :)

(P.S: I would have left you some freshly baked biscuits, but unfortunately they don't sell much of those around here!"


American hotline for domestic abuse:1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Website link for more information and numbers:

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Yay! I updated a lot! I'm super inspired right now and I'm actually really excited to right way more chapters!

I think I've decided that his story will be a bit longer considering I'm writing a lot of chapters and I have twenty-one (actual story) chapters already!

Thanks again for your support, I'm almost at two-hundred followers and it's a dream come true!

Love you all!


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