bed beside him

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I didn't understand why Trent had snapped. Maybe it was because of all the pent up anger from the last two days. Or maybe it was because Harry had taken me home. Whatever the reason was, he had almost killed me and I'd given up for the first time.

Staring into the bathroom mirror at my own reflection, I noticed the scar that ran along my cheek and a bruise on the other, my neck was bruised to a point where I shivered every time I looked at it.

I ran my fingers through my long brown hair, trying to comb out the knots. My hair had always been somewhat of a security blanket for me. But after last night, it felt as if it were just there for Trent to pull around had made it easier for him to hurt me. My Mom had always urged me to keep my hair long, she liked it when I looked similar to Amara, she loved dressing us up the same. But I always wanted to break away from that. I was my own person.

Still, when I moved away, the only thing keeping me comfort was my hair. It was never about how it looked on me, it was about the fact that I could shield by broken self and my bruised face from the world.

For a moment in time, my fingers hovered over the scissors. But just like leaving Trent, I couldn't do it. I'd keep it long just until the wedding.

It was still nighttime and Trent had fallen asleep in bed. I didn't think that I could crawl into bed with him anymore. But I couldn't go to Harry either or a pounding on the door and another fight would wake me up the next morning.

A part of my heart dragged me back towards the bedroom and plopped me back down the bed, I watched as Trent snored. He was peaceful, not a care in the world.

I was being stupid, at least one more night. I owed him after the whole hospital incident. He'd probably been so lonely the past couple of days.

Every muscle and bone in my body urged me to get up and leave, but my heart pushed me to sleep in the bed we'd shared for so long, with the man that I loved.

In three days, I'd be at the wedding. With Harry and my family, we'd have a blast and we'd dance. Just like in my dream.

As a little girl, I'd always pictured living with someone that I loved and buying a beautiful home in Charlotte or moving to Europe. I picture a perfect, candy-coated life with hugs and kisses from the man I loved. I'd have a baby girl and I'd live life to the fullest. But as soon as I met Trent, I didn't realize that my dreams would change.

I was living in a small apartment in some Christmas town, with a man who I loved but hurt me more than anyone could imagine.

I dozed off earlier than I expected, I wasn't even in my pajamas, I was just so tired. Not only mentally and physically, but just tired of my life. I didn't understand how a human could possess such anger towards someone.

Sometimes I wondered if I was the only one who felt like this.


American hotline for domestic abuse:1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Website link for more information and numbers:

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So I'll be camping until Sunday so I won't be updating or replying to anyone until then! Thanks for your support on this story!

Enjoy your day/night! I'll see y'all on Sunday with a couple or maybe even a few new chapters!


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