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Hiccup was now allready at his house but he still didnt answered her question

"Hiccup are you gonna talk to my" I say and pouch his arm
"Not a good idea to pouch my while i am driving" he says he was pale like a ghost like he was scared
"Hiccup you okay ? i ask concerned
"Y-Yes i am fine i am just - Euh Tired yes i am tired " he says i was not buying it we arrived and he parked he got out and opened the door for my
"Thank you what a gentelman" i say and walk in the house
"I am always a gentelman" he says
"Yea always if you are then you should answer my question" i say and look at him
"Why did you even let my stay at your house" i ask he then sigsh
"Alright sit down" he says i walk to the couch and he sits down next to my
"Alright astrid you wanted it this may ruin our friendship but i need to tell you Astrid i- i li- i like you" he says and turns around his face was red
My heart was racing my crush since last year said that he likee my omg i am gonna die
"Euhh you gonna say something gash i knew i will ruin it so" he didnt finished because i kissed him he kissed my back i trew my hands around his neck i then break the kiss
"So you like me" i ask looking into his beatifull emerald green eyes
"Yes i like you" he says nervously
"I like you too" i said and kiss him on the check and go to my room
"So you just gonna leave me here" he yelles from downstairs
"YES" i yell back

Omg i need to tell this to heather
i call her i knew she was not in class
"Hey astrid whats wrong" she says
"WRONG nothing is wrong" i yell back
"O-Okay so why you called my then" she says
"Hiccup just said that he likes my and we kissed" i say i was freaking happy
"REALLY FINALLY " heather yells
"Well he told my to say nothing because he will do it and finally he did i am so happy for you" She says
"Alright i guess now i have to go see you tomorrow'i say and hung up and walked downstairs i saw hiccup watching tv i sat next to him
"Astrid you free tonight" he asks
"yes why" i asks if he ask my for a date i am gonna freak out
"Well i was wondering if you wanted to go out with my" he was omg he asked my out
"Really? i cant belive it alright tonight at eight i am picking you up" he says and walks outside
"Alright" i say and go upstairs and go thru my clothes for a dress i found a blue dress and some sandals and put them in the bed it was 5pm now still had 3 hours before the date
"What if he lied and didnt liked my" thought like this comed to my mind
I was nervous about the 'DATE' i was in my room getting dressed then i hear a knock on my door
"Astrid you ready" hiccup says
"In 10 minutes" i say and got ready


I was downstairs waiting for astrid i have finally told her that i like her and ask her out on a date on the same day
as i was deep in my taught i heard astrid coming down the stairs she was very beautifull she looked at my

"You are very beautifull" i say and just start at her
"Thanks" she says i saw her blush it was cute
"Ready ?" i ask
"Yes" she says and we walk to my car i open her the door and we sit in and i drove off

"So where we going to" she asks
"Its a suprise i hope you will like it" i say nervously i will take her to the best italian restaurant in Berk
"Hiccup you know i dont want noting fancy" she says and looks at my
"What?" i ask
"I dont want nothing fancy" she says
"Alright its a suprise" i say and stop at a red light i turn my head and saw a couple stop next to us the back windows rolled down my windows where rolled down to then a boy appared
"Hey i like your car" the boy yells
"Thanks" i yells back
"But i like the girl more" he yelles back i was getting angry astrid just rolled her eyes
"Lets race who ever wins gets the girl" another boy yelles now the driver seat
Astrid looked at my with a dead glare
"SHE IS NOT AN OBJECT THAT YOU CAN OWN" i yell then i rull up the windows
"These boy are stupid just ignore them" astrid says
"I guess" i say and the light turned green i drove off but the boys car got behind us and they where very close
"Euh hiccup they are very close" astrid says she was nervous
"I know they will not ruin our date" i say and floor the car to try and lose them they car was slow so in 5 minutes i have losed them and i pull into the parking lot and park i get out and open the door for astrid
"Thank you" she says
"We are here you like it" i say and we walk towards the entrance this was the most famous restaurant in Berk
"Hiccup i like it but i said nothing fancy" she says
"Well we gonna have our date here so live with it" i say and walk in she was smiling

I was heading home i had so mucb fun astrid and i talked about alot of things to get to know eachother more then i pulled into my driveway it was 10pm i got out and opened the door for astrid and we walked in
"Thanks hiccup i had a lot of fun " she says
"I had a lot of fun to i am happy you aggred to come" i say
"I am gonna go sleep good night hiccup" she says and kiss my on the checks my face was red
"Good night astrid" i say and headed to bed

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