I love you

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I woke up the sun shining in to my eyes i opened them and saw i was in another room not any room hiccup's room i then remembered sleeping over at his houses cuddling i tried getting up but

"Why you leaving my" Hiccup says in a tired voice he pull my close
"Come on babe we need to get up" I said smiling
"Come on we don't have school can we just sleep" he said pulling me even closer i kissed his checks and got up
"Nope we can't we should met up with the gang" i said jumping on him
"Ahh oh please i want to sleep" he said covering his face with a pillow
"Come on hiccup get up or..." he didn't let my continue because he pushed my off and got up in a instant
"Happy" he said he smiled
"Nope i want food" i said getting up he smiled
"Then we should get dressed first" he said i noded we got dressed eat breakfast and we where on the road to met up with everyone at the park
We parked and walked towards it

"Where are they" Hiccup asked i turned my head and saw them
"There" i said and we walked towards them
"Hey guys" we said and sat down on the grass everyone was laying on it

"Finally the lovebirds decided to show up" snoutlout teased
"Shut up Snoutlout" i said and punched his arm
"I am bored what should we do" eret asked
"Or where should we go" Snoutlout said getting
"Lets go to the beach" i suggested they all nodded after a while

I was driving down a road and had to stop at a red light a group of girls passed in front of us they all looked at my i was feeling nervous not about the girls but about astrid because she was siting next to my

"They are hot thoo" Snoutlout said like always
"Oh yess they are" eret responded as well i saw astrid looking frusrated
"You going to say something about them." she almost yelled
"Oh i am definitely going to say something" she looked now angry
"I love you" i said she smiled and we shared a quick kiss before we had to pull apart for the green light

I parked in the parking lot and we headed to the beach it was sunny outside the water was nice not too cold

"There are some definitely hot girl out like deam i am right hiccup" Eret teased he know that astrid will kill my if i say a word

"Eret dude can you keep your comments to your self please thank you" I said astrid smiled and sat in my lap

"Oh come on hiccup its your problem that you are locked down with astrid" he said

"Astrid is not a problem i love her i don't think you will ever understand what that means" i said astrid was smiling

"What"? i said
"I love you" she said and we kissed

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