Is This Love ?

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I woke up feeling happy i didnt know why i got up got dressed and went downstairs
"Good Morning Dad" i said and made some breakfast
"Good Morning Son Sorry that i couldnt make breakfast but i have this leg pain" he said
"Dad you okay" i ask
"Yes i am fine it happend before the doc said that its only because of something" he says i finished making breakfast and started eating
"Son yesterday i saw you with a girl who is she" he said i amlost chocked on my food
"Oh she is astrid my friend she helped my drive back my car" i say
"A friend you sure" he says and minks af my
"Dad yes she is my friend" i said
"Okay but use protection" whe he said that i started chocking
"DAD i know please dont bye dad" i say and walk to to my car and drive to astrid's house i arrived at them parked got out and knocked on the door her dad opened the door
"Hiccup nice to seeing you again " he says and give my a hug
"Nice to see you too sir" i say and hug him back
"What can i do for you" he asks
"Euh i am picking up astrid for school" i say
"Alright come in please i will call her" he says i nod and then i go inside it was very akward
"ASTRID HICCUP IS HERE " her dad yells
"COMING" she yells and then she walk down the stairs
"Hey hiccup " she says
"Hey astrid we should leave we are already late" i say and we walk outside
"Hiccup i have my eyes on my i like you but if you hurt her i am gonna kill you" her dad says i was shocked he gonna kill me what
"DAD NO" astris yells and we got in the car i then drove off
"Sorry abour my dad" she said for some reason i was smiling
"Dont worry i understand him i will worry about a beauty like this too" i say i blushed a little
"Flirting Haddock flirting huhh" she laugh
I then floor the car and since this is a bugatti its very fast i was doing 150 now
"Not bad only 150" i say she looked nervous i was now doing 200
"Come on astrid dont be scared" i say and start breaking because we arrived i then park and we get out
"WHAT WAS THAT HICCUP I ALMOST HAD AN HEART ATTACK" She yelles at my she walked towards my i was scared of what she will do she pouched my
"Oww that hurt" i said and rubed my arm
"Thats for scarying my" she says and give my a kiss
"And thats for everything else" she says and she walks inside i then follow her


"Astrid wait" i heard someone yell it turn around it was hiccup i turn around and before i can say anything he kissed my and then walked away
"See you later" he yells
"Alright astrid some explanation" i turn around and saw heather
"What" i say
"Dont want my you leaved with hiccup and comed back with hiccup did he sleeped with you" she said
"NO HEATHER DONT GET THOSE IDEAS " i yell at her and we walk away
"Emet changed school" she says
"Finally he got out of my life" i say and we walk to class when the bell rang
we sat at our desk i turn around but didnt see hiccup then we walked in with a girl following her my heart droped i almost cried

"Astrid whats wrong" heather asks my i then started crying and walked out of class and sat down i was crying because i loved hiccup but he was clearly not he had a girlfriend
"Astrid whats wrong" i turn to see hiccup walked towards my i got up and ran away
"ASTRID WAIT" he yelled and he ran after my i thought i lost him but then someone caught my arm i turn around to see hiccup
"Astrid please tell my whats wrong who hurt you" he said
"You" i whisper" Now leave my alone
"No wait what did i do " he said
"Look hiccup i love you but clearly you dont now please leave my alone" i say and try to free my self
"Wait you love my" he sounded suprised
"YES HICCUP BUT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE YOU DONT LOVE MY NOW LEAVE MY ALONE" i yell but he kissed my i was suprised but i kissed back he then breaked it
"I love you"he said i was so suprised i kissed him he kissed back i wanted this moments to last forever but for my luck the bell rang
"I love you too" i said and we walked to his car and got in and he drove off
"euh we have only 1 hour before other class where we going" i say
"Celebrating" he said
"Do you really love my" i ask
"Yes Astrid Hofferson i love you" he said i was so happy
"I love you too" i said and kissed him on the cheeck he then parked infront of what looked like a fancy restaurant
"Come on lets go in" he says and we walk in and sat down when we finished
"Astrid i need to ask you something will you be my G-Girlfriend" i saw he was nervous he just asked my to be his girlfriend
"YES I WILL LOVE TOO" i yelled
"Really omg i love you so much" he said and we kissed and we went back to school

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