Us ?

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I was at school hiccup was not here
"Hey astrid" Heather said
"Hey heather" i said and hugged her
"Whats wrong" she asked i really missed hiccup
"I didnt seen hiccup since yesterday" i said
"Well the last class starts in 5 minutes maybe he will come have you tried calling him" she said i noded
"He didnt picked up i tried calling him alot of time" i said as we walked to class and sat down i was wonderign where hiccup was then the class started
"Mrs haddock finally you decided to show up" i looked up and saw him standing there with his hood on
"I am sorry sir i had some important thing to care of" he said the teacher noded
"Alright and hoods are not allowed in class" the teacher said
"Umm... i dont think you wanna see my face i better keep it on" he replied

"Why wouldnt i wanna see my students face" she asked i looked at hiccup he was looking at the windows i noticed some marks on his face
"Well...euhmm if i show my face a girl will kill my" he said my hearth droped what he was talking about about a girl will kill her?? the teacher looked at him confused
"Anyways sit down and remove that hood or i will have to send you to the principal" the teacher said hiccup walked to his desk and sat down next to my i looked at him but he didnt even bothered looking at my
"Okay class we doing a project about the viking times i want you to do a full presentation so link up into parnters and start right now" the teach said and
i looked at hiccup he was looking at his desk
"Euhh.... you starting and its creepy" he said i pulled my desk next to his
"Well i am your girlfriend" i said i turned his face to meet mine but he turned away
"Astrid you dont want to see my like this" he said
"And why ? Its because of that girl she gived you a hickey on your face? i said loudly
"Calm down milady there no other girl i was talking about you" he said
"Come on hiccup show me your face" i said and then removed his hoodie
His face had 4 medium size purple spots
"Hiccup what happend to you who did this" i asked
"I have already taked care of that" he said
"And why did you answered my calls its looks like you dont care about my" i said i was becoming sad almost crying he then hugged my i puted my head in his shoulder
"I DO care about you i am sorry but i was just not able to call you back" he said
"And what was that important" i asked
"My dad got beaten up and i had to care of him" he said i felt dumb

"Oh i am sorry is he okay" i asked
"Dont say sorry its not fault yes he is okay but he has a lot of bruises" he said
"And how did you got yours" i asked he locked away
"Well i got beat up too" he said a little to loud because everyone looked at him in schocked
"Euhh...why everyone staring at my" he said
"You got beat up and how is that possible" i said still shocked

"Great thanks astrid now i will fell much better" he said with sarcasm
i was shocked i didnt know what to say
"Astrid you okay" he said shaking my
"Astrid!" he said loudly
"Ohh... i am sorry its just that its hard me to believe that you got beat up and why did you got into another fight" i said
"I am not a professional fighter and i had to try to fight them" he said in a low voice
"No i-i didnt mean it like that is just that you had been in a lot of fights and you didnt lose any" i said
"Well i am sorry to say that i got beat up looks like you only care about my not losing in a fight" he said and then the bell rang and he walked out i walked after him
"Babe i didnt mean it like that i am sorry" i said he opened his car door and got in
"Hiccup where are you going" i asked
"I dont know maybe i am gonna go and crash into a poll looks like everything i care about gets hurt" he said
Hiccup's pov
I felt like shit
"Hiccup thats not true what happend with your dad its an accident" she said my mind was blowing up i didnt knew what to do
"I need time alone" i said and closed the door then i saw her crying
Great i hurted her too now i am so fucking dumb i opened my door again and got out
"Astrid why you crying" i asked hugging her she cried even more
"Hey its okay i am here now tell my whats wrong" i said she looked at my
"Dont leave me alone hiccup i missed you" she said
"I wont you are my baby i missed you too" i said
"Aww so cute" heather said
"Thanks heather for ruining our moment" i said
"But you two are so cute together i want a boyfriend like him" she said

"He is Mine only mine" astrid said putting her head in my chest

"Alright since its diner time where we eating" heather said
"We?" i asked
"Yes we you two not leaving my here with those" she pointed at snoutlout eret and fishleg
"You could sit in the back" i said
"Okay lets go then" she said i kissed astrid head and tried to move but she hugged my tighter
"Come on astrid" i said and she looked at my with a frustated face
"What? cant i hugg my boyfriend? " she said loudly
"Yes you can but we need to leave now" i said
"Promise" she asked
"I promise" i said and then we got inside the rolls royce
"Its so beautifull this car its just amazing" heather said from the back
"Thanks" i said and pulled off into the street and i stoped at a red light at then some have to say some hot girls passed by they stoped infront of my car and they waved her hand tried to be sexy

I then turned to face astrid she was watching my she gived my a dead glare
"What?" i said
"If you want your eyes you should look at my " she said i noded then the light turned green but they where still there
i honked at them but they didnt move
I reved my engine they ran off as the exhaust was really loud i then drove off
"Where we going" Heather asked as i speeded up to the highway

"We are going to an italian restaurant" i said i was enjoying riding on the highway there was no bumps on the road only flat surface so nice i grabed astrid hand and we interlocked our hands

"Aww i want hiccup as my boyfriend" Heather said from the back astrid looked back

"Well sorry for you because HE IS MINE and if he ever try to cheat on my i will break his neck" astrid said
"Alright abusive girlfriend" i said and pulled intot the parking spot

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