Happy Birthday

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Today was astrid's birthday and i wanted to be special i have already bought her gift i was at her house while she was at school to get it ready


I was finally finished decorating it
"Its looks great" hee dad said
"Thank you i am exited i gonna go now i need to go to school " i said and leave the house my dad and her dad was theire talking i arrived at school and parked i got out and waited by my car for astrid to get out finally the bell rang and now i was waiting for her then i saw her walking outside with heather
"Hey beatifull" i say and kissed ber
"HICCUP" she said suprised and hugged my tight
"Happy to see you too" i said and huged her back
"Happy Birthday" i said
"Thanks but i dont like birthdays i am getting older by the minute" i laughed
"No you are getting more beautifull by the minute" i said and kissed her
"Heather its time you should go now" i said to heather she noded and left
"Where do she need to go" astrid asked
"Somewhere now lets go" i said and we got in the car
"Where we going" she asked
"Where you wanna go" i asked
"I want ice cream" she said i laughed
"haha Anything for you and i floored it
"HICCUP STOP!" she yelled
"Haha its so cute when you are scared" i said and braked hard and then floored it
"HICCUP!!" she pouched my arm
"Ow that hurt" and i drove normaly now and stoped at a red light
"What did i do" i asked
"You almost kill us" she said giving my a dead glare
"What i am a good driver i just needed to speed up" i said and smiled
"No you are a bad driver " she said
"Really well i need to show you that i am a good driver" i said and floor it
"HICCUP STOP IT I HATE YOU" she yelled and i stoped
"Sorry i just had to" i said and kiss her cheeck
"I.Hate.you" she said
"Oh come on it was not that bad" i said and parked inside her driveway
"Alright i need you wait here" i said and leaved the car and went inside
"Alright everyone ready" i asked there was snoutlout heather her dad my dad and some other of her friends
"Yes everything is ready" they said
I wacthed hiccup come out of the door
"Alright come on i need to show you something" he said and i got out i was infront of the door when i opened it
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!" everyone yelled
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTRID I LOVE YOU" hiccup said i kissed him
"OMG THANK YOU GUYS EVERYONE" i said i was about to cry
"Aww dont cry sweaty happy birthday" my dad said i gived him a hug everyone come to say happy birthday after we lit up the cake and we ated
"Astrid i got you something" hiccup said he was looking exited
"No hiccup i said no gift" i said he gived my a box
"I know but I wanted to suprise you " he said
"No hiccup" i said
"Come on astrid open it its your birthday" he said i gived up and opened it
"OMG it beautifull but" he cut my off
"No Buts please" he said
"No hiccup this is expensive i cant take it" i said
"Dont you dare refusing my gift astrid" he said
"BUT" he cut my off
"I said no buts now let my put it on" he said he cliped it it was beautifull
"Thank you hiccup i love you" i said i was crying a little and gived him a hug
"I love you too now dont cry" he kissed my i was so happy i kissed him back
"I am happy son but not here" hiccup dad said

"Hiccup Astrid we are leaving see you two at school tomorrow" heather said and she and snoutlout and everyone left
"Son i think its time we leave too" my dad said i noded
"Well looks like i need to leave" i said turning to astrid
"No i want to be with you" she said and hugged my
"Oh come on i have to go" i said
"Please hiccup i dont want to be alone" she said
"Nope i will see you tomorrow come on dad lets go" i said and started walking out
"Goodnight sir" i said and leaved
"No hiccup dont leave please" astrid yelled from the door i was in my car it was raining hard
"I will miss you too i will call you later i have to go now " i said leaved
"That girl is something" i said
"She loves you" my dad said
"And i love her too" i said and stoped at a red light
"Its very raining hopefully we make it home" i said and drove off
after sometime i pulled into the garage
"Made it" i said and we went inside
"Goodnight son i am going to sleep" my dad said and he walked upstairs then my phone vibrated

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