Part 7: Humme Tum Se Pyar Kitna.....

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Raman gazed intently at Ishita, his hands firmly clasping hers.

She was half sitting, leaning back on the pillows and headboard of the bed. He shifted a bit closer to her, further firming his grasp of her hands, entwining his fingers with hers.

She blushed at the intimacy of his touch, glancing shyly at him, then looking away, her lashes quivering as she closed her eyes momentarily. His breath quickened and he stared at her, noting her confusion, her hesitation.

This is it, Bhalla his inner voice encouraged him on. Tell her now, while she is captive before you, imprisoned by her own injured foot.

The remembrance of Ishita's injuries diverted his speech though. His prepared opening forgotten, he frowned at her.

"Why on earth did you have to go outside in this storm, Ishita? The irritation in his voice could not mask the dread and terror that came rushing back, remembering the moment he thought he had lost her. "What if something ..."

"Raman, it's okay" she tried to reassure him, aware that his sudden change in mood was occasioned by his concern for her. "I'm fine"

"Yes, but why, Ishita?"

His gaze softened as she blushed deeply, not used to such tenderness in his voice, such tenderness from him. He said her name so reverently, as though he were whispering a prayer or a sacred hymn.

She looked down at their clasped hands, and tightened her grasp on his. She started speaking softly, hesitatingly at first, but then with determination.

"I read what you wrote for me, I saw the album... Raman, that was the most precious gift you could have ever given me. I felt as though you had read my heart, my insecurities, and gifted me the memories that would make me whole. And I knew that you could never have thought of something like that, unless you truly knew me, unless you really did care. So I needed to find you, I needed to tell you... that I .. mein ne aap ko maaf kardiya Raman. Ab koi shikwe nahi nai." ( I have forgiven you Raman. I have no complaints)

"Do you really mean that my love?" His voice was husky and tears were welling in his eyes, but he made no effort to brush them aside, unwilling to let go off her hands.

He found his answer in the tears that escaped Ishita's eyes now. "Yes" she whispered.

He gently disentangled one hand from hers now, softly wiping the tears flowing down that beautiful face, tilting her face up to meet his gaze.

"But Ishita" he looked intently into her eyes again. " After what I did, the fact that I lied to you, didn't trust you with the truth, stood by and let that ... let Shagun accuse you in court, after the deceit, all of that, are you really ready in your heart to forgive me sweetheart? Because I will understand if you aren't, and Ishita, I will spend my life making it up to you..."

"Shhh..." Ishita interrupted him. " Enough now Raman, you don't have to punish yourself any further. I was very hurt, yes, but I also understand why you did what you did. I may not agree with it, but I understand, and I want us to move past this....."

He nodded, a tear dropping down his cheeks, touched by her generosity, her understanding.

"Raman" Ishita continued softly " I wasn't unconscious the entire time in the garden, you know. I heard most of the things you said, and I...I. "

Raman wiped away his own tears now, a hopeful smile slowly lighting up his face.

"Accha" he said "Toh kya suna tum ne? Kya mujhe yeh kehte hue suna ki mein tujh pe marta hoon, ki meri jaan hai tu?"
( I see. So just what did you hear? "Did you hear me tell you that I adore you, that you are my life?)

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