Part 11: All of Me....

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Ishita buried her face against Raman's chest as he carried her up to the cottage door. She could feel his thundering heartbeat through his thin shirt, smell his favorite musky cologne.... Her arms encircled his neck and as he walked, her parted lips snuggled into the v neck of his shirt, making contact with the smooth skin of his chest.

He could barely concentrate on the steps to the cottage, his senses reeling at the feel of those soft curves within his arms, those plump lips grazing his chest, her floral scent assailing him, almost taking his breath away.

He shuddered as he shouldered the door open, carrying her inside, and slamming the door shut. He could take no more, and he placed her down, pinning her against the door, both hands holding hers, his chest pressing against hers.

He did not ask for permission this time, nor did he start with the gentle lead up to their two previous kisses. He simply bent his head and found her lips with his, parting them open with the urgency of his ardor, his tongue entwining with hers as his mouth plundered hers mercilessly. Her arms went around him, her fingers nestling in his hair, exulting in his passion as she tasted him, inhaled his fragrance, and was warmed by his touch.

They were both gasping for breath when he finally pulled away, his eyes darkened with the realisation of a long restrained passion, hers closed by the force of the same.

Ishita was immensely glad of the door behind her, and his arms holding her captive, as she felt her knees buckle. She could feel herself getting carried away with a sweet emotion, his passion and ardor transferring themselves to her.

But all this was very new to her, and the fear of the unknown was very real. Her medical books and romantic novels had not prepared her for this undulating crescendo of feeling that was threatening to overwhelm her, this sweet pain that razed through her body, leaving an ache deep inside.

Attuned to her feelings, and conscious of her inexperience, Raman pulled away slightly and searched her face with his intense eyes. Her eyes were still closed tightly and her breathing was still ragged. He wanted tonight to be just perfect for her, and he knew he had to put her at ease. Slowly, he released her hands and then cupped her face gently, the pads of his thumbs softly stroking her jawline.

"Sweetheart" he said softly "Sweetheart"

Ishita's eyes fluttered open. She gazed into his eyes with complete trust and he could feel his heart melt.

"We are going to take it slow, okay, jaan" he continued in his softest voice. Ishita nodded. It was all that she was capable of doing at that instant.

"We have all the time in the world baby" he continued in that silky voice, his thumbs moving up to her cheeks, tracing soft circles on her blushes. She nodded again, her lips parting as his wandering thumbs moved to her soft underlip, pulling it down, stroking gently along it.

He bent his head and caught her lip in his again, but this time with the gentlest of caresses, taking just her underlip within his, sucking slowly and gently for long seconds.

She moaned and tightened her arms around him again, and he cradled her gently in his arms, rocking her for a few moments.

"Baby" he whispered now. "Its getting a bit cool, hmmm. Why don't I just stoke up the fire? I lit the geyser earlier, when you were napping, so we could shower. Do you want to go first?"

"Hmm" she responded shyly, moving slowly out of his arms. "But I didn't bring anything else to wear"

His heart touched by her naivety, Raman's lips curved into a slight smile. He needed to lighten the atmosphere, before he lost control and made his naive innocent beautiful sexy wife his, right here and now.

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