Part Six

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Gauri sighed heavily as she turned her head over her shoulder to try and reach her zip, she was still having no luck. She wanted to call for Omkara, but she never liked to make him feel pressured by asking him to come close incase he didnt want to. She gave up, huffing and rested her hands on her hips when she felt fingers rub across her back.

Omkara pulled her zip up slowly, she sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Done" he whispered, his voice slightly thicker.

She turned around slowly, of course she knew that if he didnt want her, he never would have married her. But sometimes it was easy to forget, he smiled gently and then stood back

"Are you ready to go"

"Let me just put my earrings in" he watched intently as she pushed them in and then turned towards him "Lets go"


"Gauri, what are you doing here" asked Varun

"Oh hey, its my husbands office get together, what are you doing here" she asked, smiling

Omkara looked over at Gauri from the crowd of associates and walked toward her

"Just here for my sister, I havent seen you in ages, are you still dancing"

"Yes, are you, how was Morroco"?

"Oh it was great, but im back now and I want to dance here again" his smile was infectious making a small smile make its way to her lips

Omkara focused on how he rested his hand on Gauri's arm as he spoke. He wished he could do that without making it a big deal, he hated himself when he saw just how easy she could have it with someone else.

As if sensing him, she turned and faced him "Varun, this is my husband, Omkara, Omkara this is Varun, we used to dance together"

Varun outstretched his hand for Omkara to take, Gauri smiled and moved her body so she was stood infront of Omkara, she rested his hands on her waist "Busy hands" she smiled

Varun nodded "Ill see you around Gauri", he leant forward, kissing her on the cheek and then walked away

"Sorry, I didnt mean to touch you, its just because I know shaking his hand would make you uncomfortable" she turned around to face him again

"Does it anger you, that I am not normal"

"You're normal to me, I dont even know what normal is, but you're my normal, I wouldnt be happy with anything else"

He sighed heavily "I ruin your life"

"You make it better, I promise, I would never lie to you"

He was called over by a man "Excuse me Gauri"

"Gauri , will you dance with me, for old times sake" asked Varun

She turned back, to look at Omkara, then ever so gently outstretched her hand "Sure" she placed her hand in his and walked to the dance floor, they swayed slowly to the music.

Omkara stepped over, he hated how Varun had his hands on her waist, or how his chest occasionally brushed against hers "Mind if I have my wife back"

Varun pulled back sheepishly and walked away

Omkara held her hand, the other hand he placed on her waist, they swayed to the music slowly at first, then a little faster, he span her around, pulling her back, so her back hit his chest. She closed her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist and they swayed together, he span her out, dipping her, she held onto his bicep with her right hand, and his shoulder with her left

Omkara's POV-

No matter how much I wanted her, I had to stop being selfish. She could be happy with someone else, there wouldnt be another person that could ever make me feel the way she does. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at me, she was so beautiful, but I couldnt keep her, not when she deserved better. I pulled her up, so she was stood straight, she looked into my eyes, then kissed my cheek

"I love you, never forget that"

I frowned, what was she on about? Then I felt a heavy weight in my arms, I looked down to see she had passed out, my whole word came crashing down at once


"Tell me she's okay" begged Omkara as he stood infront of the doctor. He had no idea how many hours had passed since he had last held her in his arms.

"We've ran some tests, and it seems Gauri has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy"

Omkara blinked "And that means"

"Well, her heart walls have thickened, meaning blood cant flow through her heart, but her BP has been high for a few months so is probably the leading cause, high BP usually comes about due to high stress factors"

"Is she going to be okay"

The doctor nodded "Were going to put her on some beta blockers, in hopes that will relax her heart and help, if not then its surgery"

Omkara fell down onto the chair, the stress must of been because of him, he looked up at the doctor

"I know this is hard, but she needs you right now"

He didnt feel needed, not even slightly, this all felt like his fault. But he had to see her, maybe the doctor was right, maybe she needed him and if that was the case, he would be there, just like she had always been there for him


Omkara frowned at Gauri led on the hospital bed. Her face was paler, washed out by the blue hospital gown. Wires were stuck in her arms like she was just an experiment, like she wasnt important and it killed him to see her this way.

"Omkara" she smiled, and it made him sick, because even in the darkest days, she could still smile, he never could. She tried to push herself up, he stepped closer, helping her sit up and then placed himself down on the seat next to her

"Gauri, I" he closed his eyes, his voice breaking.

"Omkara, its okay, look im okay"

He stood up, pushing his chair back "Okay, you're not okay and its all my fault, I stress you out, I never let you have a moment of peace, you never asked for any of this, you just asked for me to love you and I cant even do that properly"

She grabbed his hand, pulling him closer "This is not your fault, I married you and I dont regret it, your problems are mine, you love me how you know how and thats all I ask for, we dont need to worry how others deal with stuff because we aren't them and they aren't us"

He cupped her face, "I cant lose you, even if one day you walk away from me, I will survive as long as I know that you're out there living your life happily"

"Ill never walk away from you Omkara" she promised

"I know" he sighed "I know and thats why I have to walk away from you, I wont hurt you anymore, I just wont"

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