Part Two

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"I" she stuttered, tears filling her eyes. She blanched as he knelt down, he must have thought she was disgusting.

He pressed a kiss to her bruise, then around it, blowing cool air onto it.

"I" her voice broke as she let out a sad sob, closing her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt Omkara press kisses to her stomach, his cool fingers brushing against her fresh bruises, then he stood up, kissing away her tears

"Im going to kill whoever did this" he promised, all she could do was remain silent as she felt him pull his t-shirt over her head, she could feel his eyes grazing her body

Then he was walking around her, she sucked in a harsh breath as he kissed her other bruises.
"Omkara, please, I feel so"

"So what" he asked, his voice raspy from anger

"Ugly" she mumbled, then his hands were spinning her around, he kissed her forehead softly "Come on, lets get you a bath" he lifted her up in his arms, she buried her face into his neck

It had been months since she had any intimacy, though they still hadnt had sex, it didnt seem to matter anymore, because intimacy was so much more than making love, it was a connection of the souls, and thats what they had

But it was strange, strange to have Omkara take care of her, look after her like she was something special when she felt like nothing of the sort, she stood by as he ran the bath, checking the temperature, then gestured for her to get in

He sat beside the bath, pouring water onto her hair, he put some shampoo on her hair, massaging her scalp as he rubbed it in.
Gauri closed her eyes, letting out a relaxed moan

He washed the shampoo out of her hair, then began to wash down her body, slowly and carefully to avoid hurting her, she gasped as his fingers ran over her chest and she bit into her bottom lip to suppress a moan

Her eyes opened as he stopped "Just relax for a while, you're safe here"

She smiled, she was so proud of how far he had come. She knew then she could never leave him again, he was more important than anything else, he always would be

It was about another ten minutes before she started to stand up, wrapping a towel around herself, then she was in Omkara's arms again, she couldn't help but recall the last time she was in a towel and wondered if she asked him to kiss her if he would

"Can I kiss you" they spoke in unison, they both laughed, Omkara wrapped a hand round the back of her neck, dipping her low he pressed his lips to hers, her minty breath fanned over his lips as his tounge slid over hers, she felt dizzy as he pulled away, pecking her lips again, they had been together for years now, but permission was still so important, they both knew you should never just make the assumption that it was okay

Omkara sat Gauri on the bed, he perched her feet on his lap and began to massage them
"Your feet are so sore, to much rehearsing, what have I said about over exerting yourself"

She shuddered under his gaze "Well now I have you to look after me, I promise ill take more care of myself"

Omkara looked up "You wanna tell me how you got those bruises now"

She scrunched up her face "Kaali, he, he got mad at me, no matter how hard I worked it wasnt enough, he lashes out when I talk about wanting to see you"

Omkara huffed "You're not going back, you know that right"

"Its okay, I had no plans to" she smiled, holding out her hand for him to come closer
"Can tonight be like before, where we just sit together and watch the t.v"

Omkara nodded "Ill get the ice cream" he kissed her cheek, but his fist was still clenched, he should have seen the signs of abuse, he hadnt. Once again he had failed to protect her, but he wouldnt make the mistake again


Gauri hid her face into Omkara's arm as the shark jumped up, biting into someone's leg, he chuckled and pulled her closer

"You ask to watch these films, yet never watch them" he noted

"I only ask so I have a reason to be close to you" she blushed

"You dont need a reason, im all yours, you know that" he brushed his stubble against her cheek as he whispered into her ear

She ran her nails down the back of his neck, then kissed his cheek "I love you"

"And I love you" he held out the spoon for her to have some ice cream but she shook her head

"Can you feed me today, its been too long being away from you, I dont know, being close to you just makes me feel better"

Omkara smiled, getting some ice cream on a spoon, he held it out to her and she took it greatfully, her feet rested on his thighs, her arms wound round his left arm as she watched him intently "Ive really missed you Omkara" she had no idea why she kept saying it, maybe she needed to remind herself this was real

"Ive missed you to Gauri, more than you'll ever know" he held out more ice cream on a spoon, his heart much more calmer knowing she was safe with him.


Gauri startled awake as she felt two hands grip her arms tightly, she looked up to see Omkara glaring down at her, "I wont let you do this again" he shouted

Gauri pushed her hands up, shoving him back to the side of her, she sat up, switching the light on and took deep breaths

He sat up, his eyes gazed over at her watchfully "I hurt you, didnt I"

"No" she spoke, but he knew she was lying

He looked at the red fingermarks on her arms, he pinched the brim of his nose and stood up quickly

"Omkara, Omkara wait, its okay, it was an accident" she ran after him

"Ever since youve been gone, ive had these horrible nightmares, all over again, then I keep lashing out at night, and now ive hurt you, look at me im a"

"Dont even say it Omkara, you have PTSD, you're not a monster, I shouldnt have left you like that"

He shook his head "Dont blame yourself, none of this is your fault, it isnt your damn job to make sure I stay sane"

Gauri cupped his face "I love you, you are sane, do not blame yourself for what you suffer with, you can't help it, you didnt mean to hurt me, today has been one of the best days of my life, I feel safe with you, I am safe with you, we can go see a doctor and get help, but for now, lets just rest"

He nodded slighty, allowing her to take him back to the bedroom

"You know id never hurt you like Kaali did right" he asked

Gauri nodded "Of course I know that, but do you know that Omkara, you dont trust yourself, but I trust you" she put his head on her lap and hummed softly, her eyes fluttering shut

Though the past was firmly in the past, they were still scarred from the events that had sought to ruin everything they had.

Just some fluff because I think we all need it after how heavy this book has been! Much love all, please let me know what you think:)

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