Part Seven

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Gauri fell back onto her bed. Seeing Omkara had been painful, she hadnt realised how much she had missed him over the past few weeks. Deep down she believed they were meant to be together, and that they would work this out. But for to long she had been the one constantly chasing him, this time it was his turn. She stood up, walking towards the balcony, her hands gripping the rails tightly, her eyes closing, the wind brushing through her hair


Her eyes opened slowly as she glanced down, "Omkara, what are you doing here"

"Look, I know the timing is rubbish, but seeing you today made me realise just how much I can't live without you, I dont want to beg you to come home, I want to take this slow, I want to believe that we can pull through this, because we have pulled through worse. I know I dont talk about my feelings a lot and I know that isn't fair, but I love you, and I dont want to live without you, I just want one chance to prove I can make this right" Omkara's eyes were teary, his voice cracked at the last word

Gauri took a deep breath "I just wanted you to try, that's all I ever wanted, I never expected you to work have it all worked out or to get it right all the time, you're not perfect and neither am I, all I ever needed was for you to tell me you would try, that was always going to be enough"

As much as he wanted to accept her words, he couldn't "I dont want you to just forgive me so easily, you do that to much" he shook his head

"There was nothing really to forgive, your accusation broke my heart but I undertand where your accusation came from, trust is earned and you still have to earn my trust, but I forgave you the moment those words left your mouth, because I love you and not forgiving you would only hurt us both" Gauri held up a hand, then turned, walking out of her room, downstairs and then outside

"Where does this leave us Gauri"

"It leaves us at the same place as usual, we're learning, thats what we do, we learn to love at the hardest times, wether that be ourselves or eachother, this isnt perfect, but its our perfect, because its us and I know we can get through this, because we are both trying, I will always yearn for you, no one else could take your place, you are and will always be what I want Omkara" she stroked her thumb across his cheek

"How can you be so kind and understanding, any other person would hate me right now" Omkara dipped his head

"No they wouldnt, in love there is no place for hate and I could never hate you"

"Thank you, for showing me that even if this isnt our happy ending now, that we will get there, for believing in me and never giving up on me, I owe you everything, you blow me away by how good you are, I just dont know how to thank you" Omkara raised his hands, resting them on her hips as he spoke, bowing his head slightly he closed his eyes as his head touched hers

Gauri's breath hitched "Just try with me"

He let out a soft hum, before pulling her closer. The rest of the night was spent with both of them sat on the garden bench, talking, catching up and reminiscing.


Anika cleared her throat making Gauri's eyes shoot open "Now what do we have here, does this mean you guys are giving it another go" she clapped exicitedly

Gauri blushed before pulling away "Yeah, I think so, thank you for letting me stay here, but I think its time for me to come home"

Shivaay nodded "Dont thank us, you're family, just invite us over soon" he stretched his hand out to Omkara who shook it quickly, then hugged him

"We will, thank you for taking care of her when I couldnt, I wont let her down again" Omkara promised

Anika nodded "Better not, or I will be using my skills on you" she winked, looking up at Shivaay she grabbed Gauri's hand "Come, ill help you pack"


Gauri placed her suitcase down, then walked inside. It sure did feel strange to be home again, but she couldnt deny how much she had missed it. Being away from Omkara had been like losing a part of her, she glanced around as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder

"I just wanted you to know, that I really am going to try from now on, I know it seems stupid to even make that promise, but this is it now, I wont be making stupid mistakes anymore, I love you and that time without you broke my heart more than anything ever has, I never expected to yearn for someone so much, but I need you more than anything and I want you even more than that, im not perfect andbI know that, but for me you are perfect and that's why" Omkara cleared his throat before getting down on one knee "I want to do this again, I want to marry you again and treat you as the wife you deserve to be, and give you that wedding night of your dreams, if youll allow me to, id like to be your husband in all senses of the name"

Gauri lowered her body before wrapping her arms around him "Im all yours Omkara, I cant wait to start this journey again with you, whatever struggles come, we will surpass them, and yes, yes i'll marry you again" and with a sweet kiss, they ended all the negativity between them and began the road to positivity

It wouldnt be easy, it wouldnt be without struggle but it is when you crave and yearn for someone that it sets your soul on fire to be without them, that's when you know that you can get through even the darkest moments to find the light.

Thank you, so so very much for reading this story, for giving me your love. This ending isnt perfect, but it is imperfect just like their relationship, and I hope you all find the strength within yourselves to fight for the happiness you all so badly deserve.

Love is out there for you and if right now you cannot find it from a partner, friend or family member, love yourself, because we all deserve love.

But for now, take care, be strong and never be afraid, you all deserve happiness and I hope you all get it

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