Part One

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"Happy Birthday" Gauri whispered, blowing out the candle, she smiled at her laptop, Omkara smiled back.

She swallowed back her tears, she missed him so much, this new job of hers had brought her fame, money and fulfilled all her dreams but she was lonely. Very lonely without Omkara by her side. She had wanted nothing more than to spend the day with him, but her manager had refused.

Omkara picked up a present, smiling as he unwrapped it, Gauri couldnt help but run her fingers across the laptop screen, how she missed him.

"Gauri meri jaan, please dont cry, look we're still spending my birthday together aren't we"

She shrugged "I guess so, I just miss you, I wanted to be with you when you opened your presents, not miles away"

Omkara tapped his heart, "Look Gauri, you're here and that means you're always with me"

Gauri mellowed, "Okay, open more" she sat quietly watching him open his presents, while the realisation that this was their life now dawned upon her. They ate at a laptop, opened presents at a laptop, spoke to eachother on skype and slept next to their laptops.

She had chosen this industry, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but she wished he could be with her. He was always so supportive, always so proud. She loved that about him, but this did nothing for their relationship.

She looked up when her door opened slightly

"You need to sleep Gauri we cant have you having bags under your eyes"

"Its my husband's birthday" she replied, standing up, "Ill stay up as late as i like, you wouldnt let me go and see him, that's bad enough, you manage my dance rehearsals and my performances, but you do not manage me"

Kaali scowled down at her, his eyes fell to the laptop "Make it quick" he turned, slamming the door

Omkara looked over at Gauri "What was that about Gauri, is he mistreating you"

She shook her head "No, he's just bossy is all, im fine honestly" she smiled

He tapped his chin "Youre still coming to Nani's birthday party right"

"Of course, I wouldnt miss it for the world"


Omkara signed off another form, he gazed up at the clock and sighed heavily. He enjoyed his job a lot, inspiring children to speak up, teaching them about sexual violence and that the word no is always acceptable.

But when he just wanted to unwind and go home, he often wished Gauri was there to just hold him. He knew she was dancing tonight so wouldn't be able to call, but it still didnt make him feel any better.

He unlocked his phone, looking at the picture of her on his phone, he kissed it and smiled sadly.

"I wish you would just come home Gauri you were right before, a house is never a home when you're the only one in it" he chuckled sadly "oh how the tables have turned"


A Few Hours Earlier-

Kaali held out a glass of water with tablets mixed inside.

Gauri stared down at the smoky like water "I told you, I dont do drugs"

"You need to keep the weight off, its the drugs or you know what"

She was to tired of his constant digs, she just wanted to see Omkara all night she had led awake weeping for him and the comfort only his arms could offer.

"No" she replied

He threw the glass to the floor angrily, grabbing her arms in a vice like grip "You dont refuse what I say, I let you off once Gauri" he twirled her around to face the mirror "Look at what I have made of you Gauri skinny, beautiful, famous, thats all something Omkara could never give you"

She turned, shoving him back "Im leaving, this is over, you dont own me, im going back to my husband"

He grabbed her wrist, span her around, his hand swiped across her face
"Who do you think you are" he dropped her to the floor, pushing his foot into her hip with extreme force "You should just listen when you're told Gauri I dont want to hurt you" he spoke sweetly

She looked up angrily "Im Gauri, Gauri Oberoi, Omkara's wife, that's who I am" she shouted, standing up quickly


Gauri crept inside the house, she smiled down at a sleeping Omkara pulled the blanket up and slid in next to him

He opened his eyes "Gauri " he asked, rubbing his eyes "What are you doing here"

Gauri kissed his cheek "I missed you" she curled into his chest, closing her eyes tightly

He rubbed her back, kissing her hair "I missed you too meri jaan" he was happy to have her home of course, but something just didnt feel right, she was meant to be dancing tonight, not that he was complaining. But the way her body shook against his made his heart thump loudly with concern.


Gauri yawned, passing Omkara his coffee. He raised his brow "You've lost weight"

"Yeah, only a little" she tried to push away the comment, Omkara noticed, he always did.

"A lot Gauri its too much, you were perfect as you were, if this is what dancing is doing to you, I dont like it" he put his cup down, taking her in his arms

"You really think I was beautiful before" she asked timidly

"Of course" he assured "I always think you're beautiful" he picked her up, spinning her around, she threw her head back letting out a laugh

"Its been too long since ive seen you laugh" he sighed "Ive missed it"

Gauri giggled "Shh you, you see me laugh all the time"

He pouted "I dunno, ill have to check again" his hand went to tickle her hip but she hissed loudly

He put her down, raising her t-shirt to see a large purple bruise, he scrunched up her t-shirt in his hand "How the fuck did you get this" he snarled

Enjoy! So many changes, but so many more twists- yay!

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