Part 1

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

'Great, another happy climbing' I think to myself. I sigh loudly and start climbing the huge building in front of me in the middle of the night. I'm wearing a dark brown leather outfit with a matching cloak. I have (E/C) eyes and long (H/C) hair tie together in a one-side ponytail. I have my hood on in order to hide my face. My sword is secured on my back, mostly hidden by my cloak. It's a special sword that I made myself out of kyber cristals. Yes, I know, just like a Jedi lightsabre, except that I'm not a Jedi Knight. Our weapon may be similar but it still isn't as strong as a real lightsabre, despite the fact that I mixed the kyber cristals with a very precious and sharp metal. Besides, I definitely lake on Jedi skills. I haven't any connection with the force.

After about thirty minutes I finally reach the right floor. I can see the open window, just like we planned it to be. Happy to be finally done with these exhausting exercise, I jump throw the open window into the apartment, just to be met by blue lightsabers directed right on my face. I confess I didn't see that coming. I slowly lift my hands up in surrender.

"I promise I mean no harm. I'm here to see the Senator Amidala" I tell the men currently threatening me.

"And who are you supposed to be?" the older one asks.

I hear Padmé calling my name from the other end of the room, just as I was about to answer.

"Y/N!" She comes running towards me. She throws her arms around me and I return the hug meanwhile the Jedis are closing their lightsabers.

"You could have told me that you were under such high protection. It would have spare me the slightly cold welcoming" I tell her jokingly.

She laughs lightly at that.

I get a better look at the two Jedis as I take my hood off. One of them seems very young, barely about eighteen with blue eyes, short hear and a long single braid. A Padawan I presume. The other one must be his Master. He seems a bit older, in the late twenties with bright blue eyes and dark blond hair and beard. He looks pretty handsome and I can't stop staring at him. He is obviously doing the same, still trying to understand what I was really doing here, sneaking in the Senator's apartment.

"So... I heard you wanted to see me? What's the matter?" I ask Padmé in order to break the awkward silence caused by the staring.

"Oh! Yes! Sorry! First of all, may I present, this is Master Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Jedis, this is Y/N an old friend of mine. I asked her for help in order to solve this whole situation."

I bow to the two Jedis as they do the same in return. Now then I know their names, I can recall Padmé speaking about the two men. She told me about the Trade Federation problem as well as Tatooine and the war on Naboo. If I remember right, they both played an important part in saving the planet.

"It's an honor to meet you. Now I'm sorry but I feel a little bit lost. What part am I supposed to play here? You have two Jedis guarding you so, why did you ask for help anyway?" I ask Padmé.

"Come on, we are going to sit down and I'm going to explain all the latest events to you." She answers me before leading us all to the living room.

Once we are all sitting onto her couch, she starts explaining the important vote coming on until she finally comes to the real matter: the life threat. "And that's why I called you. Obi Wan and Anakin are only here to protect me but I need to know who is really threatening me and you're the only one having the necessary skills to discover the truth."

"And it will be my pleasure to help you" I smile at her. "First, I need to know every detail of the security system." I turn to Obi Wan. "Would you like to show me?"

"Sure" he answers before standing up. "Just follow me to the control system outside the apartment."

I do as he told me and follow him in the hallway. He opens a little box on the wall before explaining all the commands to me. I listen carefully to every word, taking every precious information in. Once he's done he close the small box before turning to me, crossing his arms on his chest.

"So, you are an old friend of Padmé?"

"Euh yeah... Let's say we are childhood friends. I was born on Naboo just like her."

"And now you are...what? A bounty hunter?"

"No, I'm not!" I respond a little bit offended that he could think so less of me. "I help people whenever I can, just like Padmé. Only I didn't choose the diplomatic but rather the fighting way."

He nods to my response, as if he were thinking deeply about it.

"There is something I still don't understand. If you are a Jedi, why are you not investigating instead of me?"

"The council told us to protect the senator and not to investigate. We are following orders." He says to me with a serious face. I immediately understand that he belongs to 'the strictly following the rules' type of guy.

"And are the orders really that important against discovering the truth about an assassination?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow.

He chuckles lightly and I feel a warmth in my stomach at the sound.

"Yes, it is. A Jedi is entirely devoted to the Code and bounded to the council's decisions. I think this Problem is way more serious that everyone here seems to believe. I'm afraid this mission could be too dangerous for you to handle alone." He adds.

As I hear this, my blood begins to boil in my veins. I immediately take my sword and put the sharp blade against his neck. I look him deep in the eyes as our faces are barely inches apart. "You should now that I trained all my life to handle myself and I don't need anyone to tell me what I can or cannot do." I growl at him.

To my biggest surprise, he only smirks in response "I'm sorry if I had upset you, it wasn't my intention."

I narrow my eyes at him and finally set my weapon down, before heading to the apartment where Padmé and Anakin are waiting for us. 

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