Part 3

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Obi Wan needed to head off to the Jedi temple the next day in order to inform them about the latest events. I'm currently waiting in Padmé's apartment for his return, hoping to gain some new information by searching on my datapad.

"Did you find something helpful?" I jump from the couch. I didn't hear Obi Wan coming in, and he scared me out of my skin, which makes him laugh out loud. I send him a death glare as I stand up rubbing my back.

"You should know that it's not really appropriate to sneak behind a lady like that" I growl at him.

"I know but you made it clear yesterday that you weren't an ordinary lady." He smirks at me.

Oh God I couldn't be mad at him for long if he continues to be so cute all the time!

"So, what did the council say?" I ask him, trying to change the subject.

"I'm officially allowed to investigate on the matter. Meanwhile Anakin needs to keep protecting the Senator alone on Naboo." I see his eyes darken at the last sentence. He obviously doesn't agree with this decision. Just as I was about to comfort him about this choice, I hear Anakin entering the room. I immediately sense that this is going to be a Master/Padawan talk, so I quickly excuse myself and head toward Padmé's bedroom.

I knock on the door before entering the room. She is already packing all sorts of things in a bag.

"I guess that you heard what Obi Wan just says."

"Yes" she replies a little harshly.

"And I suppose you are pissed off to be excluded from the politician events again?"

She sighs deeply before sitting on the edge of her bed.

"You know I hate to be send away when my vote could be so crucial to the future of our galaxy..."

I sit down next to her and gently hug her. "Don't be mad, I'm going to do everything to solve this problem as fast as I can."

She sends a small smile my way.

"Besides, you are going to spend some time alone with Anakin without anyone reminding you both of your responsibilities. And god knows he's not bad looking." I tell her, pushing her shoulder jokingly.

My smile brightens as I see her cheeks getting pink. But being a Queen and now a Senator, she quickly regains her composure and sends a devilish look my way.

"I could tell the same for you. If I heard right, Obi Wan is going to investigate on the assassination. So, you're obviously going to help each other."

"I don't know what you are talking about. There is absolutely nothing between Obi Wan and me!" I try to defend myself.

"For now..." she says with a smile, winking at me. I take a cushion and smash her with it as we both start laughing.  

Until we meet again (Obi wan Kenobi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now