Part 2

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We finally agreed to use Padmé as a bait, in order to help us catching the person willing to kill her. I'm currently sitting on the couch checking the security system on a datapad. Obi Wan and Anakin are both standing at the window, arguing about something. I can't help but steal small glances at Obi Wan every then and there. He was really gorgeous and my thoughts are always leading me to the warmth feeling in my stomach as I heard him chuckle. 'No. No way. I can't have a crush on a Jedi Master. I'm a professional and I know about the Jedi attachment rules. Besides, Obi Wan seems like the type of man who has never brake a rule in his entire life. I'm just an insignificant girl acting like a schoolgirl standing before her first crush. Thanks to his Jedi skills, he probably knows about what I felt earlier'. My cheeks become pink at the only thought of it and I feel ashamed. 'I really need to put myself together for god's sake!'

Suddenly, I hear a small noise coming from Padmé's room. The two Jedis are already running to her chambers and I follow. As I enter, I can barely see Obi Wan jumping throw the window, holding on to a flying droid for dear life. Anakin glance at Padmé before telling her to stay in her room. I follow him outside and we quickly jump into a speeder in order to rescue Obi Wan.

We managed to catch him as he was falling to the ground, asking us what could possibly take so long to show up. This was the beginning of a long chase through the flying streets of Coruscant, with Anakin flying like I never saw before. Even if I don't know anything related to the force, I can tell that this boy is special. And let's say that he fully enjoys it. He's probably making every possible stunt he knows, much to Obi Wan's despise. Apparently flying isn't his favourite thing in the word. I quit enjoy it actually and it allows me to create a small new bond with the young Padawan.

The speeder we are chasing ends up crashing near a small night club, were our bounty hunter tries to find shelter. The three of us follow and enter the club.

"Be careful the guy could be anywhere" I advise the boys.

"I think it's a 'She" and I also think that she is a shapeshifter." Anakin informs us.

"One more reason to be careful" Obi Wan says before leading to the bar.

"Where are you going Master?" his Padawan asks confused.

"Have a drink! Care to join me?" he smiles at me. I shrug, not really knowing how to react to this, and I follow him to the bare shooting an apological look at Anakin. He only rolls his eyes dramatically in response which makes me laugh.

The bar tender is already holding out our drinks as we sit down.. I don't even know what it is but as I take a sip I know that it's definitely not water. We are drinking in silence when I suddenly hear the guy next to Obi Wan asking him to buy some forbidden stuff. I see him looking at the foreign man annoyed and what he does next baffles me. I see Obi Wan lifting his hand in the front of the man's face, telling him to go home and think about his future. The man only looks at Obi Wan with emotionless eyes and repeat the same sentence, like a robot, before standing up and leaving the club.

I start laughing out loud at this "Oh my God, you really are the perfect Jedi in any circumstances! Did you really use your skills to force this guy to reconsider his life choice?" Yep, the drink is definitely stronger than I thought. As I continue laughing about the situation, he smiles brightly at me with... Wait! Was that twinkles in his eyes?

Just as I'm about to regain some sort of composure, I can sense that something is definitely wrong. We both lock eyes and words are useless. I can see that he is sensing it to. The shapeshifter we are looking for is right behind us. Obi Wan takes his lightsabre and in a graceful swing cuts the killers arm off. Anakin joins us, taking the girl outside.

Sadly, we couldn't get any information about the one who was hiring the bounty hunter. She died by a poisoned dart who was shot from a man in an iron armor. Probably another bounty hunter.

Until we meet again (Obi wan Kenobi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now